Teacher's Pay


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Teachers are underpaid in the world today especially in Primary & Secondary schools. This is because there is no monetary value to how much a child can learn in the classroom and a teacher's influence. I stand firmly when i said a raise in pay should come with a bargain (extra work hours) that teachers should be able to mark projects/home work etc. during school hours. Also workshops must be on a day which is convenient to all teachers e.g Holiday season.Teaching and education is dynamic and never static! Syllabus will always change. New tests will always be developed and implemented. Teaching methods will always evolve. This is because we want the best for our future generations so i am not against that. I am actually glad teachers are all equipped with these things now; forms, surveys, reports etc.

Also i am looking at a interpretivist view that future teachers want to go into the profession when they get older. They love teaching! They also know that if they study to become teachers, they will be underpaid for their experience and qualifications. One must do a thorough research on the profession they want to be for the rest of their lives and decide if the pros and cons are worth it. The thing is, we all complain but at the end of the day this is what we love! This is what we made up our minds to study! We gotta deal !
I agree with LadyDEath but I'm not sure about the longer hours to correct work in school. Some just find it easier to relax at home and do it at the end of the day, sometimes after dealing with all the stress in school they'll just want to go home when the school day is over. I wouldn't doubt there are teachers who prefer to do all their school-related work at school, but I think it should remain an option and not a mandate of employment. I think every time inflation etc goes up salaries should go up as well.
If salaries went up with inflation you'd find the increase would soon nullify itself as inflation would just rise a bit more. There are other more effective methods that should be used.

It should never become mandatory for teachers to mark their work at school. Sometimes you just need a break for a few hours from evening to night to feel refreshed again. Not having this privilege will potentially cause restlessness and discontent which could result in demotivation and an overall lack of clear minded and fair marking.
Perhaps increases every time would be impractical but I think prices in general just get higher and higher each year and salaries seldom change to compensate that. The higher the price of everything out there while salaries remain standard makes it harder for people to get by. Add that to student loans, rent, car payments and what have you that most people have to pay by the time they land a decent job and everyone is stressed all around (not to mention teachers going out of pocket for classroom expenses). When the salaries do rise a bit, the best form of balance people can hope to achieve might be from taxes and inflation rates years before, not so much to balance out with the current demands.
Well there are many teachers in my family and the main thing they complain about is marking stuff home ! They say its so frustrating to mark stuff away from the classroom especially when they have to sacrifice their house duties/ time for their family to do an extra job when it should be done at school but little time to do so.

It's just like carrying home papers or business proposals from the office when you have to see about your own children, help them as well with home work, wife/husband duties , chores etc. The only thing is, they work from 7-3pm/8-4pm/ 8- 4:30pm
Well there are many teachers in my family and the main thing they complain about is marking stuff home ! They say its so frustrating to mark stuff away from the classroom especially when they have to sacrifice their house duties/ time for their family to do an extra job when it should be done at school but little time to do so.

It's just like carrying home papers or business proposals from the office when you have to see about your own children, help them as well with home work, wife/husband duties , chores etc. The only thing is, they work from 7-3pm/8-4pm/ 8- 4:30pm
My whole family is teachers. They say quite the opposite. Lol. Hence I think the best option is to allow that to be a choice as it is currently in a few schools.