Stronger Naruto or Sasuke?

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I don't like when naruto relies on the kyuubi it makes him look weak, and its not really him fighting its a beast. If naruto learns to control it yes i have no problem if he uses it but not when its using him and trying to take over.
When it "using him" or he "using it" doh really matter which one you call it, d fight does just be "badder". Rather dan a set a frikkin clones running all over d damn place. All a dem tryin2 do a rasengan and failing.

Oh well, maybe one day we'll see all 9 tails w00t w00t, maybe wen he fight Madara?
In the manga he he did turn 9 tails but his father came to him and reinforced the the seal, it was a trigger mechanism any time naruto is about to turn to 9 tails. This was when he was fighting pein
He didn't turn 9 lol he was on 8 :p

I wish he could go all bada$$ on everybody, dat would be a episode to behold.
He did turn 9 but was in the phase of turn form 8 to 9 once he past 8 it trigger his father to who put some jitsu in place to stop him for turning to 9
I think Tobi is the most strongest and the second is naruto. And we still don't know what power itachi gave to naruto so he can grow even stronger than earlier.