Stress Relief and Pick-Me-Ups

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Active Member
Nov 10, 2014
Stress is our natural human response to the stressors in our daily lives as a result of,! It becomes unhealthy when a crappy moment or bad day interrupts our flow.

It can affect us emotionally (withdrawing, overly emotional, anger, sadness, impatience, irritability, lack of focus, trouble remembering important things, bad judgement, change in eating habits, addictions, fatigue, problems sleeping or getting out of bed, obsessiveness, anxiety) as well as physically (weight gain/loss, headaches, back pain, neck/shoulder pain, gastrointestinal problems, losing hair, breakouts, chest pain, trouble breathing, rapid heartbeat, profuse sweating, nausea, cold hands/feet/skin, lowers immunity).

What are your most effective stress relief tips?


I like:
being in big, open nature-y spaces
long walks in breezy areas or cold weather
singing and dancing to blaring loud music when I'm alone
reading alone in an eerily quiet place

Quick pick-me-ups when you can't just run out:
watch a funny, relaxing, or inspirational youtube video (or a few)
re-read old messages/emails/letters from a loved one
1-2 minutes of deep breathing, eyes closed
pet a furry animal
look at the sky
drink some water and eat a snack
wash your face
give yourself a quick hand or temple massage

What works for you? What tips do you have for others?
Blasting music works wonders if you love music. Especially if you like subsonic frequencies.

It helps to take an impersonal approach. Yes things are important but there's no need to attach emotions or feelings of "I must" as these things amplify stress greatly.

Talking to someone can help too. People who actually consider you genuinely will tend to look at things from a perspective which often helps you feel better about your stress.

Sleeping works too. Helps to relax a tense physical state and may clear mental confusion.

A long nights sleep with an additional hour or two can feel great.

Eating a snack I like and watching YouTube works wonders for me.
Blasting music works wonders if you love music. Especially if you like subsonic frequencies.

It helps to take an impersonal approach. Yes things are important but there's no need to attach emotions or feelings of "I must" as these things amplify stress greatly.

Talking to someone can help too. People who actually consider you genuinely will tend to look at things from a perspective which often helps you feel better about your stress.

Sleeping works too. Helps to relax a tense physical state and may clear mental confusion.

A long nights sleep with an additional hour or two can feel great.

Eating a snack I like and watching YouTube works wonders for me.

Sometimes it's great to tell a friend you need to talk and ask them to be a sounding or venting board upfront. Thinking aloud to someone else helps give you new perspectives and makes it easier to take the impersonal approach.
Sleep is underrated these days too, even a 10 minute nap can help you power through the rest of an exhausting day.
Can't imagine getting through life without music!
Sometimes it's great to tell a friend you need to talk and ask them to be a sounding or venting board upfront. Thinking aloud to someone else helps give you new perspectives and makes it easier to take the impersonal approach.
Sleep is underrated these days too, even a 10 minute nap can help you power through the rest of an exhausting day.
Can't imagine getting through life without music!
Very true, it's only on the odd time you tell someone your stress and they're like well you don't understand etc etc that turns stress into anger lol
Well this is personal for me but i am anything but shy. From the age of 16 i had an anxiety disorder coupled with alot of things one bring G.E.R.D. to this date.

It means that any little thing happens, i take it on really badly and get panic/anxiety attacks. Even if something happens to someone else i take that on too. I don't mean to do it, but my subconscious secretly does. I started developing G.E.R.D where, when i am stressed and take on stuff that i get feelings of indigestion, constantly feeling a choking sensation, a stifling feeling, chest cavity closes , constantly burping and lots more. It sucks! Sometimes things might be going great, but in the back of my mind i am preparing for the worst. I am a worrier/ worry wort!

During all these years i have come up with some tips to help de-stress :

- MUSIC - Let the music feed your soul and enjoy it. This always help me to feel confident and relaxed.

- Exercise- Let me tell you this thing better than medication ! I have recently started exercising class and it has helped me to cope with stress. exercising releases endorphins which make you feel happy and relaxed and think much clearer. I go three times a week for two hours long and i feel great everytime.

- Junk Food vs. Healthy Food- Junk food yes! i am a depressive eater and anytime i feel stressed i just want to eat myself to oblivion. But then junk food gets you unhealthy and you gain weight so i switched to healthy alternatives to feed my big appetite. Makes you feel alot better knowing you can divulge and eat healthy too. Win! Win!

-Pets help solve anything! Their innocent spirit and their loving nature will keep those worries away!

-Sleep - Sleeping is a temporarily solution instead of waking and worrying. I try to get enough rest as possible.

-Reading - In my lifetime i have read 647 books and counting. I can read 1 novel in a day or 2 depending on the pages. It takes me away to another place.

- Going out/ hobbies - Never stay home and coup up with stress. It will only make it worse. I usually go out for a long walk, movies, beach - anything to take your mind of the worries
Ladydeath basically killed it there. That's 100% the best methods I found to date.
Fast food also causes depression sometimes.
Even coca cola light causes depression.
Chocolate was my drug and ice-cream ( choco choco chip ) to be exact. I was dairy bar's loyal customer ! These days anxiety and depression getting worst.

- Friends - Always surround yourself with a group/few/one person that can lift your spirits and cheer you up. If you already have this you are very lucky. I am not so fortunate of having close friends or any of that sort .
I can relate to LadyDeath very, very well!

True nirtime, sometimes our diet can mess with our emotions. Many food additives are addictive, and going without those foods can cause real withdrawal and addiction symptoms! I've found various B and D vitamins can help, in addition to vitamin C, and fresh food sources are the best for mind & body.
Honestly though the best method I found lately is just to not take on the majority of people I meet lately. This place is either a adaptive and survive or a take on and die kind of place.
School stress doh bother me, dealing with ppl I just don't take on that either. Bad drive I slowly learning not to take on too seriously.
It's not that I don't recognize the seriousness it's that I can't afford the pressure for the problems it brings out either physically or mentally within my own self.

Food I don't really take on lately but that's short lived with me lol.
Once you get enough antioxidants you should see a change in general mood. But yes you are right about those things.
I'm very opposite, I take on everything very easily lol I'm always looking for new ways to de-stress and benefit emotional health.

That's true.. Healthy alternatives are the key. Too much processed, junk, cheesy, preserved foods can corrupt your hormones causing an imbalance. Although chocolate has been scientifically found to reduce depression by stimulating the part of the brain that's responsible for happiness
Yes, very true! Many doctors actually recommend that heart patients eat 2 blocks of dark chocolate a day and suggest drinking a glass of red wine at least once a week.



Also, "the stress hormone" cortisol is good for us in moderate amounts or short bursts during our body's flight or fight response, but it is important to relax our bodies after stressful moments so our bodies cut down on cortisol release when the stressor is gone. Too much or too little cortisol can lead to various problems. It should also be noted a lot of experts have linked cortisol to weight gain, which is usually a factor in those suffering from chronic stress.



I've also found that scents work really well. When I was writing exams in school or traveling as a teen, I always kept a bandana or rag with a few drops of lavender water on it. Anytime I felt tense, nauseous, anxious, etc. I took a whiff and also kept lavender incense at home. Essential Oils are said to work really well and usually only a few drops are needed.

A new one I found recently is to place a frozen washcloth over tired eyes until it returns to room temperature. Not only does it soothe your eyes especially if they are burning or itching, but it also provides a bit of a wake up and gives you a couple minutes to stop everything and unwind a bit while doing something nice for yourself in the midst of an exhaustive day. (Also helps clear up dark circles by increasing circulation to that area! Can provide constant dark circle relief if used daily. Tried and proven!)

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Dark chocolate does help but not the others.

True LadyDeath once your brain becomes overran by melatonin rather than serotonin you become very depressed and it's not a good position to be in what so ever.

There are some vitamins which help this but I do not remember them.
My number one stress reliever is to kick back, grab my PS3/PS4 controller, turn on some GTA V, kill some people, drive my trailer truck in the bushes...kill some more people...and I'm happy :D Lately, I don't have a PS3 or PS4...that stresses me out. lol
I think vitamins D1 and D3 as well as certain B vitamins like B6 and B12 have been shown to avoid or assist treatments for depression (can't remember exactly). Milk chocolate is mostly filled with milk, butter, and sugar to flavor it as natural cocoa is too bitter to eat by itself. Even dark chocolate contains some of the same but not as much as with milk chocolate. The cocoa is more concentrated in dark chocolate so the good outweighs the bad of typical sugary effects and so on, which is why doctors recommend dark chocolate, though at a recommended 2 blocks a day and no more. White chocolate doesn't even have chocolate in it though lol it's all butter, sugar, and milk.

@Manga: love gta! Wish it was compatible with the move gun :( I'd rather crash into things on burnout than shoot people though
That's some good info there. Didn't really know how the dark chocolate worked.

Think ill buy some Hershey's dark chocolate and eat no more than 2 every 2 days since sugar affects my skin in terrible ways.
That's some good info there. Didn't really know how the dark chocolate worked.

Think ill buy some Hershey's dark chocolate and eat no more than 2 every 2 days since sugar affects my skin in terrible ways.

You can look for dark chocolates with low sugar or just compare the nutritional facts in the back to see which has less sugar and more nutrients. Doctors typically recommend two squares of a 70% dark chocolate bar a day, you can ask your doctor to be sure. I used to vary my intake between 75% and 90% dark chocolate, but be wary that the higher percentage you go, the more concentrated the chocolate will be and if you're used to the milky, buttery, sugary stuff it will seem quite bitter in the beginning. Once you get used to it, nothing else can replace it lol Vive le chocolat!




Interesting find there, will have to do just that.
I find dark chocolate to be bitter yes but I don't mind lol .

Also for stress reliving read the nutritional facts before buying anything as that can help you decide between competing supposedly healthy products .
Yes! I scan the nutritional info like a hawk lol You won't believe how many items are marketed as healthy that are really just made up mostly of fillers like water, butter, flavorings, colors, flour etc and even items I once thought were healthy sometimes have a higher cholesterol, saturated fat, and sodium count than normal foods. Checking that info is a GREAT tip nirtime! I love dark chocolate as well. Once I started eating it, I couldn't find the flavor in white and milk chocolate any more lol





Loves these tips ..Thank you all...i will practice them for the new year. Sometimes i feel like it's hard to smile genuinely when i'm anxious..Can't remember the last time i whole heartedly laughed