Single Male Looking for Female Friends

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Anywho so richard like you forgot resha or wah she was still waiting when you fled the forum lol
***ah wonder if ah should really post what ah was going to post boi?****
wow, this topic has reach nine pages and 85 post....Richard, a word of advice .... Looking for friends/ lovers in the internet is not a good thing... There are those rare cases where people believe in themself and others who have never meet before and it actually works out but at the same time the majority of times these case turn out real bad...
The internet is used to find just about anything you want to find. so why not love... there is always an exception to the rule.. he can find love online... just not on trinispice.
I only speak for myself when i say thats crap...Finding love online is such a big risk.... There is no way i could do that... Going into them sites and actually dating and not seeing the true person is frightening...Read my signature line...
Resha said:
I only speak for myself when i say thats crap...Finding love online is such a big risk.... There is no way i could do that... Going into them sites and actually dating and not seeing the true person is frightening...Read my signature line...
Whether "you" can do it or not. The fact remains that it is indeed possible. While dating on the internet is very high risk, there ARE people who are genuine. they are success stories of people that met onlin eand developed a relationship. The Internet is just a medium. Sites like eHarmony, etc cater for those scenarios.. So in all, finding love online is indeed a big risk. But risky doesn't mean impossible. Hell, its a risk or gamble we all take when we enter into a serious relationship. We can never know who we're really meeting.
You look like you know alot about online dating....I guess everybody have there own agenda about this topic...
Online dating was "high risk" 10 years ago before the advent of mainstream social networking. Now that information is most times readily available, you know who you're getting involved with. I mean before it was email to email, pics couldn't be sent, you had to take people at their word...but now there's facebook, msn, the ability to send anything...but ofcourse, always be cautious...logical thinking is necessary.
Online dating is cool. i guess that if i ever had to do such things i would of wanted to see a driver's license pic or a id card picture first lol
dis topic has just taken off yes!!! buh datin on line is gd in a way....coz u can b ur self sometimes an get another person's option in matters wit out feelin shame or bad....buh wat i kno!!!
I mean everything has its upsides and downsides but I really believe online dating, or online searches for dates is normal....How many people never messaged someone on facebook telling a girl they look cute...or commented on someone's picture saying something nice because you like them...that's online dating people. Not everything is sex this and sex that.
From my experience internet dating can be good and bad. I met someone a few years ago. unfortunately her mom did not like me and sabotaged the relationship
hmm sorry to hear dat. guess it was a ''war wit u and d modda in lar" lol u kno how long i eh hear dat kartel tune lol sorry i couldn't help it
OMG richard that actually did happen to u... U got throught with someone via the internet....( first time im hearing from someone who strike luck via dating online, so excuse the expressions)... Sorry it didnot work out but what, how did this happen ( Like when u met and stuff)
Erm...i know a couple that met on the net and up to now they still together and they love each other so much ♥ dating can be nice but if you meet a physco or stalker ur in trouble
Moved this topic because it changed to a different twist