side glass stolen off car oursite PriceSmart POS

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Jul 16, 2014
Imagine you park in the upstairs car park of PriceSmart POS and return and nearly drive out teh place without realizing you no longer have a right side mirror glass.

MovieTown and PriceSmart security useless as each saying the other responsible for the upstairs car park. Is a ProceSmart supervisor tell me to make a police report and THEN the police will come and get the footage.

This was around 7pm on the 23rd. Now I have to fork out $500 to get a who right side mirror in the bamboo. And to top it all off, no dash cam footage: car was forward parked and the rear cam stopped working.

I am pissed.

Driving minus your right side mirror is so irritating now...
I'm shocked to hear this Saxman. Then again, with the way the crime rate is going I really shouldn't be. It irks me that many customers use the provided car parks for businesses with security, and no one is held accountable for theft. What is the security there for then? Just to walk/drive up and down and stare around aimlessly while checking their phone? Better they save paying the security and just stick up some posters or cardboard cutouts of security guards then smh. At least the PriceSmart supervisor advised you well. Hope you get some justice out of this man.
Thinngs getting worst by the minute yes.....thy thing to make you feel extremely sick to your stomach
Doesn't surprise me. But it angers you. Next they'll go away with the windshield, they already steal antennas.
Yeah its not a surprising thing for us but it gets higher your temperament on the spot.So we have to aware next time from these type of parkings.
I am so very sorry to hear this saxman. People stealing antennas, mirrors, hub caps, tyre insects , muffler tips , chrome accessories etc. now. Pricesmart is a waste of time. At price plaza they are telling everyone to park and shop at their own risk. My uncle had his vehicle broken into recently and his music, CD Player , Amps etc were stolen and cameras were no where to be found. Thats why alot of people park near to superpharm or movietown so that their vehicle have a chance of showing up on their cameras. For a shopping center that sells cameras , price smart really duncee !
It gets better:

Swing back there last night and again this time demanded to speak with PriceSmart's manager.

This guy named Prakash was actually helpful and called to a morbidly obese woman to take my info. Prakash gave her some instruction and I over heard her say "but the last time we didn't get anything!"

That tells me that once you park in that particular spot, you already in trouble. And the never dealt with the issue. After 20 minutes of waiting I was told the camera didn't see anything. So I apparently parked under a well-lighted blind spot!

Of course i had to update the St. James police on the status of "their" investigation.
The officer who took my initial report was too busy to see me so she sent her officer friend.

i have to return to PriceSmart tomorrow before 2pm in the hope of catching some Alana before she finishes her shift as she is the "expert" on the camera system there. I also have to hope that this 2nd officer finishes her meeting before 2pm so she can accompany me. I made a post on PriceSmart fb page on the incident, no response yet.

Of course, I've already acquired a replacement mirror in the bamboo. Just to install it now.

Let's see what transpires tomorrow.

I done make up my mind I will have PriceSmart summoned to appear in Petty civil court over this, if only to test their "we not liable" defense.

Oh, in the attached photo, my car was to the left of the pole


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    2015-02-23 19.36.02.jpg
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Well done Saxman. I hope you took a screenshot of your post on their page in case it mysteriously disappears. Don't give up on this man. You deserve to get your justice. It's so ridiculous when people get robbed and then have to shell out money to compensate for being robbed. The run around and inconveniences just add to it. Keep us updated bro. Good luck!
Hold up a second, is that the area facing the containers? How could someone get their car ripped off in such an OPEN and well lit spot? Obviously the security isn't doing anything but playing on the job.

Hats off to you saxman, you're leading by example and thats something we need a lot more off in Trinidad and Tobago if we are to see any kind of redress when things happen to us. Do let us know the outcome when you meet with the said personnel.

For the very least, Price Smart should have shown some consideration at first since you are clearly a customer of their business but we know how that goes locally.
A screenshot was taken of the FB page.

So further updates:

Went to St. James Station at 1:45pm to asking to meet the officer. She still out on patrol, and then they tell me to go ahead on my own. Right.

Reach pricesmart. and the refused to let me see video without a police officer present. It so happened that an officer had just finished paying for his groceries. I begged his asistance.

I must say, I wish there were more forward thinking officers - and people - like him in the place. He set me straight by saying even if he helped by viewing with me (and he was willing to help), it would not help my case. The original investigating officer HAS to be the one to come if the perp is to be caught.

Alana confirms that it is a blind spot and now saying that camera belongs to MovieTowne. What???

Again, I trek to Movie Towne security . Guess what they said? No, it's not their camera. It's PriceSmart's camera. PriceSmart pays rent for ALL of upstairs. They are responsible for securing upstairs. MovieTowne security only deals with the rest of the compound.

So I go BACK to St. james station, to be that while the officer was en route to MovieTowne, they were called to an emergency. I now recall that I DID have to pull side at the lights at the top of Wrightson Road for a police vehicle to pass; it must have been her!

End story: I left my contact information AGAIN in hopes that the officer will contact me to go to Movietowne and establish who owns the camera.
WTF man. People need to be warned about this. Could each business not have called the other to discuss who owned the camera instead of sending you on a wild goose chase? Can you get information to contact the officer in question? Note the names and positions of everyone you're meeting with and what they are advising each time for future reference as well. It's so ridiculous that you have to experience this.
Wait I now seeing this and this is disturbing. I will like to highlight this as much as possible and let me know if I can.
By all means, highlight it, admin.

The officer from St, James did indeed contact me tonight. I could not answer immediately but I returned the call. I let her know Pricesmart not showing me any video without a police presence.

So hopefully the next stage is to meet and go with the officer back to PriceSmart...

Of course, considering is already 4 days and counting since the incident, I now am concerning about the video being overwritten
Saxman its really sad you have to endure all of this just to get piece of mind. I am also concerned the video may be overwritten if not intentionally at that.
Saxman thats really unfortunate bro! i really feel for you , my mother experience somewhat similar circumstances on december 13, 2013 , her left backside glass panel on the car was removed, the crooks then opened the car and stole everything inside the car, including all our music, her purse , and hidden christmas gifts.

you have to be soooo careful these days where you park and what you doing, the longer you leave your car is the greater the risk.

idek where these so called security guards does be!
That's why when we talk about the police service people does want to know why. Honestly i have no faith in the police service . Just for a tape viewing you have to go thru all this run around??!!!

I would of video taped all this and post it up on youtube.
It rel brutal out here yes. Sorry to hear man.
This is the reason why I leave nothing to chance at no time at all. I park infront the grocery. I am yet to see a vehicle gett9ng wrecked from Pricemart carpark.
I returned to St. James Station again today and finally some potential headway:

The original investigating officer agreed to go with me to PriceSmart tomorrow to view the footage. Mind you she will be off duty, as again today, "no spare officers available". I had to emphasize the fact that the footage could be overwritten as it is now a full WEEK since the incident.

I will be picking her up near her home (which luckily is near my workplace) and carrying her to PriceSmart and then dropping her back.

And on a side note: I was appalled when I first walked in the station to be greeted by a young policewoman with a Mohawk hairstyle AND a tongue piercing!! Really?? That is how police roll now when in full uniform??
Today's update:

6:45am - get a call from investigating officer to say she forgot she had a meeting this morning and thus had to cancel our trip to PriceSmart

1L45pm - walk in to St. James Station to find said officer behind the front desk with two senior officers. Her eyes nearly fell out her head upon seeing me. Apparently finally fed up seeing me, a pair or officers finally agreed to go and followed me to PriceSmart.

The PriceSmart staff stuck strongly to their story: I parked in their blind spot and it is not their camera I parked under. We never got to see any footage.

WE head over to movietowne security. This timethe Head of security is called,and we are taken to the security footage room. and plain as day, the police and I could see all their cameras and where they cover. The closest one to PriceSmart's car park is the walkway upstairs where Unit Trust is. The Head of Security went os far as to call the General Manager to state over the phone is not their camera.

Conclusion PRICESMART, YUH LYING ****** ****!

2:35pm - The officers advised me to pursue legal action at this point. That is all I needed to hear. How is it movietowne was so willing to show their footage and PriceSmart isn't?

Time to write that obligatory demand letter. I welcome any input for the format. (but i must warn you, I sting hard with a pen!)
Wow this is really sad bro, a side mirror is probably the craziest thing I've ever heard stolen from a car. Hope you get pleasing solution...