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This SIA probe still going on? Listen since Ever both opposition fighting and bickering and is time both of them stop all this corruption and put ammendments in place to FIX WE DAMN COUNTRY..What de fricken SIA have to do with us at the moment ..we want roads fixed, better policemen , reduction in crime ...Where de hell did all them topics go in the last few months ..is only Ian Alleyne targeting this??
Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley yesterday attempted to raise serious accusations against Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar in terms of her handling of sensitive Security Intelligence Agency files, but was shut down by House Speaker Wade Mark.
It was a heated Parliament sitting yesterday as Mark rose to his feet repeatedly to prevent Rowley from having the allegations, which the Speaker said imputed improper motives, recorded in the official Hansard record.
And, Rowley was forced to ask for silence over a dozen times during his contribution as tensions rose from the Government benches.
Mark first told Rowley he must produce evidence to support this allegation, and later when Rowley produced "proof" Mark then said he (Rowley) must raise a substantive motion to debate the matter.
Speaking on a private motion with respect to the SIA files, Rowley raised the allegation in the form of a question which he put to Persad-Bissessar, which she immediately denied.
Persad-Bissessar went further to state that Rowley, without presenting any evidence to the House, was imputing improper motives against her and alleging that she was lying to the House.
Mark got up, saying he will not entertain any member impute improper motives to another member.
Said Mark: "You have made a very serious allegation. He who alleges must prove and until you are able to prove what you have just said, you withdraw the statement, apologise and when you have the evidence bring it here, because it is unfair for any member, be it the Member for Siparia, or be it the honourable member for San Fernando East, for any one in this honourable House to come here make a statement that impugns the character of any member of this House and bring their conduct into public ridicule without the necessary evidence, so please it is either you produce the evidence or you withdraw the statement, apologise and when you have the evidence please present it to the Parliament."
Rowley said he did not make any statement but had raised a question which the Prime Minister answered.
An unsatisfied Mark said that Rowley made an allegation against Persad-Bissessar and unless he had the proof, he must withdraw and apologise.
"I would be the last one to challenge your ruling," said Rowley as he proceeded to withdraw the statement, adding Persad-Bissessar's denial of the allegation.
Mark again took umbrage with Rowley saying he does not want any qualification with respect to the withdrawal.
Said Rowley: "I withdraw the remarks which are viewed to be offensive which are in the context of an allegation, I withdraw and I move on."
Members of the Government benches then shouted "No apology?"
Mark again rose to his feet saying that he (Rowley) made an allegation and called on him to apologise and move on.
Said Rowley: "I apologise for raising any matter to do with the Prime Minister's conduct in October of 2010."
The matter did not die there.
Nearing the end of his presentation over an hour later, Rowley came back to the issue claiming he had "proof" with respect to the question he raised against Persad-Bissessar earlier.
As he waved the document in hand, Rowley was taken to task.
Persad-Bissessar got up, saying: "As Prime Minister of this country I receive documents all the time. What proof does he have, what evidence for this libellous allegation that he's making?"
Mark questioned Rowley about the document, even asking if he could see it.
Seconds later Mark gave a ruling.
"I want to rule that no member should be discussing or beating the conduct of another honourbale member of this House unless you bring a substantive motion for that purpose, therefore that piece of paper that you have in which you are implying certain misconduct or activities on the Prime Minister, I want to rule it out of order ... and I want to say expunge that from the record completely."
He continued: "I have to save members from themselves, you know, because we are making very dangerous allegations against the conduct and the character of honourbale members of this House on a piece of paper in a debate that we are dealing with the SIA as a motion. I am ruling that you can only do so, honourable member for Diego Martin West, on a substantive motion against any member that you believe whose conduct is reprehensible but you cannot do so in an ordinary debate."
Said Rowley: "I understand and accept you ruling without reservation."
Rowley ended his contribution saying "...the Government has been systematically firing people and putting people who they favour in positions, an issue that we will come back to ... the Government has not been truthful to the people of Trinidad and Tobago, the Government has acted quite improperly and engaged in a cover-up and Ministers of Government have scandalised themselves and are now falling over on one another to apologise".