Should we give vagrants money?

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thats good admin keep that up... i feel as if not to give them money but necessities so in that way they will not be spending it on drugs or anythin
D other day ah vagerant see me in woodford square an call my name out loud.
I never see d man before. :Confused:
I eh give him no money ah start 2 walk fast
I'm very skeptical about giving vagrants money... had some experiences before. Though i know that not all of them will be a certain way...i'm just not too keen on doing it. i might have to change my mindset on that issue i guess.
Dude like you have a stoker omg and its a homeless man even worst, he knows your name Omg
Ah feel yuh did really know de man yuh know.. Yuh prob feeling shame he make yuh out in
LOL! Yeh, I rather give them food than money...atleast I know they can't buy drugs with it...unless they barter it!
if u want to give charity u should an don't look bk an speculate wat it's spent on!!! if u give, prob u may feel gd....but ah still say hell money for den
nah i still believe that necessities would help because they wil get something to have with them to call their own or eat atleast its better
I don't see anything wrong wanting to know where your money is going...if I'm donating, I want the assurance that people who need it are getting it for the right reasons and nothing else. I agree though that most people give for the sake of "feeling good" about themselves, but does it really matter if in the end the money they give is helping someone?
if ppl want to make ah diff wit vagrants dey can give to shealters eg st vincent de paul an share food to those on d streets!!! anyting else u give YES, money NO
Yep, those shelters do help. I used to help them serve food when I was going to high school, and people are very appreciative. I haven't gone in a while though, Ishould go back.
Doh lie andre... is small ting if he make you kidding... but really, yuh does wonder hoe some people does know yuh eh...

We used to give to shelters like ones around our area but this year we have to people in our village and targeted families in need that had children..its so nice to see them smile although some don't say thank you but we know that they appreciate it should be glad he just call you out instead of running you down!
San Fernando U Made me smile for the first time today..thanks for the video and i wish it really have good people like this. maybe trinispice can start doing things like this in time to come
Some of them only use the money to buy drugs and cigarets. I'm a bit skeptical when giving these people money.