sexually assaulting her young child

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
What the hell is going on with people, The end of the world is very near seriously
LAKESHORE, Ont. - A woman in Lakeshore, Ont., has been charged with sexually assaulting her young child and dog and broadcasting the acts over the Internet via a webcam.

Ontario Provincial Police received a complaint Saturday from someone who said he had viewed the incidents on his computer the night before.

She is charged with bestiality, sexual assault, sexual interference and sexual exploitation, and police say she could face additional charges.

"Further charges relating to the making, possession and distribution of child pornography may be laid after the computers are examined," said Const. Janet Hayes.
hmmmm well yes.......i donot know wat goin on in this place nah sometimes i does fell to just lock up and do not go outside................................
Candyann not you alone..what going on these can you commit incest and feel good about that.its you own child and blood ow would you feel if someone did that to her when she was young. i can only imagine if her child grow up and she knows about this how it can affect them.
It was with a dog too, i hope you all red that part ok, the kind of sickness yes
A Dog? OMG! Sorry i forgot out that part how? An Animal? She have to be so low and sick to do them things..a poor animal
So wait if she wanted sex she coulda do a man.. but she do a child and a dog. That mean she CHOSE to do this for doing it sake! What de fork.. she that just nasty.. proof that people capable of anything.. wrong.
i feel to take a broom n beat d devil outta dat woman!!! i wonder how old d child was huh he probably was wonderin wat d hell goin on!!! d dog shooda turn on she n freak up she face!!!
Why did she not use her own self to produce sex tapes and air her self online, instead of a innocent child god man how are people still living knowing they are doing this kinda of things, do they look them selves in the mirror
She got to be a mentally ill person.... poor child and doggy..... Things humansand animals have to go through in life ... they are better off not being born....
well for d pass 9 months there are about twelve abused kids that still in d home being fingered, touched, beaten, buggered, starved, u kno wath ah gettin at, so when u see ah child lonely and afraid this is a sign i know one student used to bring marijuana in school and smoke just to forget d home abuse and i didn't do any thing bout that coz u cant imagine how these kids feel. in teenagers its even worse all d counciling dey get deosn't help, school is d only place of freedom.
aH BOI!!! de devil real busy these days yes!!! Don't even know what to say bout that...
kids should STOP having kids, yes live life, save money, have safe sex alot and lots other things before u have a baby. kids cant bring up a baby i see to many girls have a baby only to hold on to ah MAN and d same man assaulting d innocent!!!
madsuya said:
kids should STOP having kids, yes live life, save money, have safe s-e-x alot and lots other things before u have a baby. kids cant bring up a baby i see to many girls have a baby only to hold on to ah MAN and d same man assaulting d innocent!!!

I agree, i heard so many stories about little girls doing stuff with grown men and getting raped, then their parents blaming the men but never the kids, i don't know why these little kids so hurry to live life, sure you hear the term "live like there's no tomorrow" but they take it in the wrong way as if to say "do everything negative before you die" I am so ashamed of my fellow youth peoples.
I hear that Animal Porn making real money in the Industry today. I find that so Nasty and Stink and Shallow and Sinful and trust me i can go on and on about this but you get what i mean. A grown woman doing her baby and a fricking dog nasty things and posting it up on the net. She is going straight to hell or whateva place there is for people like that. she has no place in this world is better she dead than live again for my part yes.
WDMC, how d hell yuh cud do sumting like dat? WTF!!! dat on a whole other level of wrong.

What dis world coming to????..................
boi i really do not know nah but its sick and its coming to an end . i hope she comes to an end