Sex ..... or Video Games?????? [nsfw]

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Wtf lol lol they real sick yes white people again, lol sick bastards
yo i seen/ heard worse. my friend bro say naruto better than girlss..... Ooookkk then lolz...
Huh thats sadness nothing is better than girls lol na
Why can't i have both? Why can't I have sex while playin video games? lol..I don't know bout alyuh..I tellin the truth...If i playin a game..and i real into the game..especially if i reach a stage I ketch mih royal a$$ to reach, and de wife come rong for sex..she might get blank...Let's face it..yuh mind done wrapped up in this ting much yuh bet yuh go tell she "jus now baby, ah comin jus now"!