Safe ways to build muscle

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Active Member
Jun 16, 2008
If you were so foolish to take anabolic steroids while training, you would probably build muscle fast. However, by taking anabolic steroids you would also have opened the floodgates to a variety of diseases that could impact on your manhood in a negative way. In the case of women, steroids could make you lose your feminine appeal and make you look like a long-lost cousin of Godzilla, who suffered from a bad case of acne.

If you want to build muscle fast, never train hungry. For every pound of lean body mass, eat at least one gram of protein. Avoid processed food and fast food or you might end up building fat fast!!

In your three-times-per week full body workout, make sure the following exercises are always included: free squats, clean and press, dead lift, bench press and kettlebell training.The free squat is such an important exercise that the first ten minutes of squatting causes the secretion of more testosterone into your system than any other exercise.
You must allow your body rest days for repair and rapid muscle growth. Always remember, never go to the gym without a plan. :clap:
kool thanks resha. i used to go to the gym and i stopped like las 2weeks . i used to stretch first to loosen your muscles you do not want to dive into anything with contracted tight muscles then work out my legs then arms and then my whole entire body.. ONE THING THIS THING CALLED SIT UP AND ALL KINDA UPS LOL DO NOT WORK! IT DOES ONLY GIVE YOU BACK AND NECK PAIN FOR DAYS! Search it up and you would see
not to mention bad belly aches when you stretch! totally useless!!! but this is some pretty useful information :)

oh what about energy shakes that help you build muscle faster,, my friend was using that and in one month's time he went from flab to hugeee muscles, i dont approve of him using it because the results seem so steroid like
Hey does anyone know any how to make your belly flat fast. i am not fat but i eating plenty these days and i will like to burn some fat lol
those same "ups" you were referring too...Alot of abdimnals helps get a flat belly...
I am not going to do that because it makes no sense at all becuae you just only damaging yourself. it must have safer ways
You could never get a flat tummy by doing any abs or crunches come one people when your doing excises you lose fat from all over your body not from one particular place. So If you keep doing ads don't expect to get a flat tummy it just wasting you time
I don't agree with u to some point admin... Yes u can lost fat when excercising all over the body but by doing mainly abds focuses on ur tummy.... so u do lost fat in ur tummy by doing abds...
anyway BEETROOT juice can boost physical stamina and increase exercise endurance. the exact mechanism that causes nitrate in beetroot juice to increase stamina, but they suspect that nitrate may turn into nitric oxide in the body, leading to a reduction in oxygen uptake and making exercise less tiring.
Resha do some internet searches go by any doctor or anyone intelligent or that matter fat is stored all over the body not in one place, when you work out or do normal day activities you loose the fat not in one place but right thought you body this is a fact and i could bet money on this remember i was once a nurse.
When you do abs all your doing is just firming your abdominal muscles and the result it will just tighten but you fit will still exist their
the best thing to do to lose it is watch your calorie intake, and exercise, not pin pointing one area all the time, but keeping your whole body active, so you can burn more calories, also portion control, usually if your used to eating, lets say two spoonfuls of rice, cut that into one spoonful, so u eat half now, and the other half later, instead of eating this now and add more to it later, and definitely the fruits! plus less sugar... so admin was right in a way, you just can't exercise the fat away, you'll have to change your diet too. I did a lottttt of research on this before, plus i have some videos with mark anthony,, [not the dude from cleopatra lol] the british celebrity trainer. lol, he's pretty good actually. Oh and you try simple yoga workouts, they make your body and mind feel goooood! lol
Thats whate i am saying. Personal experience i did abs crunches to go down on the ground and do all kinda way. It only hurt me more. My neck especially. Now i using the ab king pro and i getting faster results :) and no more unwanted pain!