Rejection After Being Led On

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
You make your feelings for someone known because you felt the person was showing interest in you, but you're surprised when their response is that they don't feel the same way about you, the person is just not interested :eek: !!!!

How do you put that behind you ? How do you get closure ? How do you deal with the anger of feeling led on ? How do you get over that and move on ? is a killer but a well motivate individual will move on....I was once told by a guy that he was interest in me and a whole other stuff and after blanking him, i never saw him again... that was weird because i use to see him nearly everyday of the week expect weekends... OMG it have me wondering now!!!!!

nevertheless, its a hard situation but life's all about moving forward...
Hmmm I know. I was happy that I got up and moved along, because it doesn't make any sense sitting around waiting for them to come back. I moved on and found better...In a good way. lol
Hmmm i have never felt rejection but i have seen people go through it and it does be hurtful to watch them mope around and cry alot
hmm this happened to me tonight!...sigh..felt effed up for a 15mins then i came home n saw this thread in my rss! great lol
win some lose some yes...but learnt alot from her response though..cus she didnt say no right away...well at least i got to analyse her more
its hard....some tings are special to me......holdin her hand ....kissin her....I only do these tings ,if i hav I treat it like cocaine .....get rid ah d product get rid ah d temptation.....its d only way i can protect myself.......but in doin dat also I try to maintain myself......cuz its easy to get bitter ........there are too much beautiful tings to see and do to let it be lost in bitterness......
so im in class today and one of my classmate asks me a jokie way too eh!...and mind u she is hott!.."do u go to the cinema"..but yet doesnt ask me if i want to go eh..trying a psych on me to get me to i left it so n didnt ask...some time after the talk come up again..n im like here what i have nuttin to do after class so ill go with u ..shes like :) serious great! so we went it was rell nice...
funny thing though despite how the day turned out with that...i know for a fact she sending the wrong signal to me!
now if i wasnt wiser u see how man cud get chainup?...if i go n try somtin there n get blank, that will be a very hard blow!
wesgen said:
i know for a fact she sending the wrong signal to me!
now if i wasnt wiser u see how man cud get chainup?...if i go n try somtin there n get blank, that will be a very hard blow!

How do you know she sending the wrong signals.... She could be really interested in you... A girl can approach a guy she's interested in ...Not always the guy have to do everything....
Resha said:
wesgen said:
i know for a fact she sending the wrong signal to me!
now if i wasnt wiser u see how man cud get chainup?...if i go n try somtin there n get blank, that will be a very hard blow!

How do you know she sending the wrong signals.... She could be really interested in you... A girl can approach a guy she's interested in ...Not always the guy have to do everything....

true..but 1) shes married
2) she does that with other ppl that she wants to befriend
hmmmmmm so she likes u then......and then shes married and doesnot do that out of the norm..but take care she just ketch a mad vaps and jus decided to go with a that sending the wrong info u think so kari? lol *wonders hmm*..i guess i mite know what goin on at class this weekend! so kari seeing u females know the reall stuff...give us a guide on what cues to look for to tell if its wrong signal or the brothers on the forum out :)
wrong signals : When they keep calling you for something..... when they don't want to be seen in the public.....ignore calls ...... always busy to meet...
Wrong Signs:

Ignore calls
Saying they don't get to go out or lime but u see them many times liming or in chag, pos, arima etc
Saying they have a call on the other line when u call them
Stay quiet on the phone
When u having a convo she's trying to avoid answers and small talk about relationships
When u trying to ask her out she keeps telling you about other girls she know that will go out with you or like you
She goes out with you but do not want to be seen by peeps she knows
she goes out with you but stays far away from you
Goes out with you and hardly talks personal just basic
hmm @ resha and ariyahs 85% of thos stuff happen to me with like 2 women...the not to be seen with me parts are not an issue and neither is the personal stuff...i dunno i seem to be able to elicit alot of info/stuff from certain ppl