Racism Today


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Jul 2, 2008
Well it may not be as known or highlighted as it was 10 years ago but it still exists. I did this topic for my Sociology Internal Assessment, and even though I wratched most of my research the factual information collected showed that racism was an extreme problem within Primary and Secondary schools mostly in south Trinidad. Question is, do you believe that racism is right?(I kno it may seem stupid but it makes sense..jus answer) Give reason for your answer and state whether your beliefs were guided by parents or friends

As many of you dont know I black...well not black but mid brown(ish). My racial background so freakin mixup i does sumtimes get confused abt how i end up looking like this. My mum is half spanish and half indian(ish) n my dad negro. My entire family within Trinidad consists of so many different races its a bit hard to chek them all. The whole concept behind racism is definately wrong, no race is superior nor inferior. If you believe in whatever religion we were all derived from the same source and after a while the types of skin changed, the texture of our hair became different, the pitch of our voice, our body structure was modified. Think about it like this...If you keep burning CDs from the copies that you make they will start to go bad and change. Therefore if we come from the same source we cant really be all that much different. Both my parents and friends guided me in how i deal with ppl of other races, and well guess what...today im in love with ah indian girl.....well she kina mixup but waheva :D

I racially confused too and i'll never understand racism. Trinidad too cosmopolitan for it to exist but yet it persist in our society. I've never been a victim of racism but i've been labelled too many times for my liking. If racism wasn't so steeped in misconception and faulty assumptions i'd be more comfortable. I mean, people would have no reason for thinking evil against you other than some outta time useless notion that race affects what kind of person you are. And the problem is that it IS part of our culture, its passed on from our parents and friends and we're all too stupid to realise it. It's almost like were proud of it we cant seem to be proud of our culture without making the others look bad in some way. If we started shipping people back from where they came then i'd have nowhere to go. lol. As Trinibagnians we still lack the national cohesiveness we claim and lie to people about. Racism shouldn't exist not now after all our forefathers have been through we should appreciate that there is no real difference between any of us, some of the words we use to describe ourselves are seriouly outdated. needs to be done with .
nuff said.
WELL lemme give you a run down as a HISTORY STUDENT on how racism started..it all started during the late 1700s 1800s and so during the days of slavery when near to emcancipation negro slaves we fed up and quit working on the sugar estates on the plantation cuz they were treated inhumanely. The planters which were the bosses hired East Indians to work on the plantations and they got good treatment..All the races we jealous of the Indians for getting good treatment and bcuz of this they hated eachother..OUT OF THIS LITTLE SHIT IT STARTED OFF
Thats a good peace of History i will not forget.... Racism is never right as far as i am concern... yes its sad to say it exist in our country.. I have mixed with all race especially african since i am an east indian... I have never had an experience of racism..., A major reason that may cause the continuation of racism may be the way we were brought up by our parents... If it is present within them therefore the child will automatically pick that up...
What i think is extremely stupid is when, for example, an indian girl brings home a negro fella and the parents disapprove mainly because of the guy's race... I really cant believe ppl are this dumb in this day and age
Its not nessararily uneducatedness. Yes some people are ignorant because of they way our society is structured. But some people are just plain elitists, people who walk around thinkin they're better than everyone else. Racism is just one way this manifests itself, it would still exist even if we did look all the same. And yes racism is dumb. I mean i does try real hard not to refer to peoples race but that seems to be the only way society could find to describe people. Cuz i does only recognise nationality as in Trinbagonian as adequate a discription for us as a people. I find too much implied meaning in all the race talk we use- i mean even when we dont mean anything bad.
I'm sure if we went to whatever race we isolate ourselves to they will only think of us as trinis, even though we might think we're more like them than the we do with people we live with and truly are our countrymen.
lol I tend to not notice stuff like that. People have the right to associate with whoever they identify with. The problem is if they do it because they think less of everyone else. I mean we have schools for every major religion in Trinidad and Tobago, most people aren't threatened by that because they understand why some people prefer certain schools for their children. People have preference and affinities i respect that what i wont like is if they have there own stuff because they have a problem with everyone else using the same thing. If they're having their own society because they look down on other people then thats definitely wrong. People like that should move. Seriouly. but i doubt most people are that racist.
Yeah but it had an incident where a Negro Child from Belmont Entered The Primary Skool and when he entered and questioning the mother they found out that they were not wealthy and untop of that he was a negro and all the other children was white so they kicked the child out of the skool and u go tell me that them is nuh racist
Of course its racist. But is it the official position of the school just some individuals who have too much influence there. Of course it might just be one of those things that you just dont see in the fine print. They cant publicly admit that they discriminate certain students. Its againts the law.
well am indian and lemme tellyuh sumtin sum ppl mite wanan tink that indian ppl are more racist but thas bullshit!!!!

i have been treated with racisim from afro trinis..andi talkin bout from the rich to the piper!!!
can anyone tell me why negro girls don t go for indo guys?
umm.......thas stereotyping/generalizing man....i know rel plenty negro girls that lik indian fellas....maybe u jus nuh dey type :S

One of my teachers from a different school said how racism was so bad there, students used to actually sit and associate with individuals from their own ethnic background, when the teachers tried to split them up the students began to rebel and act up.

I dont believe that the practice of racism is tied down to any specific race but more of a cultural background. Therefore it wouldnt matter what race you are but where and how you were brought up
Hey it's not a competition on who is less or more racist or who has it worse! Cuz racism is what it is and it affects everyone involved equally. Even the racist, they are victims too.
Look at this how many of us feel that all americans or british people are racist? If you say all that probably means YOU are racist. Racism isn't about being a victim it's about being better that everyone else. What better way to be better than everyone else than to accuse people of being haters. I mean calling everyone else racist is racisim itself.
Yeah its culture that affects how we view others. And it also affects how we think we are viewed. Too bad people who practice racism dont realise how much of it comes from from their own background. They fail to realise is actually them.
Anyway like EK said thats a pretty generalised statement, lol and what are the odds of you not meeting and indo trinidadian or afro trinidadian in Trinidad. Its pretty much 4/9th's of the population either way. So if 10 percent of the population is racist of course the ethnic groups with the larger population would look more racist. Doesnt mean that everyone is. I'm sure the majority of any 'race' in Trinidad and tobago isn't racist, you probably have some kinda bad luck or something. In place where i live like Diego it have all kinda people who dont care what race anybody else is so most youth of any race dont really care unless they are indoctrinated by thier parents. Even then they dont care cuz they interact with other 'races' every day. Growing up i assumed everybody had it like that, that most people would not have to classify people by race to undertand them, but so many people let thier race and the race of others influence thier thinking i guess i have to change my ways. Of course that would be very racist.
:? well Im Black and love indain girlz,the first ting I ask is "Do ur parents like black ppl or not?" Most say no some say yea dey cool jus dnt come home wit no hard head nigga chile,lol!!! I hv waves in my hair so the chile go hv bess hair DAMN IT!!!
I hate racism omg we are all humans. And to get people who are racist should run and hide, Indian people want curly hair and negro people what straight hair i don't mean everyone just generally speaking
If you know racist talk does get me vex !! i agree with admin, we are all humans, it should not matter wat race or ethnicity we are.....i mean does it really make a difference???????
Racism is just one man's greed thinking he's better than the other. People who are racist are low minded people and only thinks about him self and his belonging
GOD MADE US THE SAME PLENTY PEOPLE SHUD KEEP THAT IN KIND MONEY & COLOUR IS NOT EVERYTHING....Think about this if someone consider themselves white & rich and feel that them is all that imagine if you take away their colour and money wah wud they be left with....the answer...nothing!
In my workplace its taken over wit race, they only see people as Indian and creole face it people, theres only two indian where i work, myself and a male, i'm left alone coz ah have ah old nagger attitude most days an ah very loud. u need to be strong out there now and dont show show ur coward side coz ur dead. sorry but thats d world today
today ah feel it's gettin worst an ppl afaird to speak bout this......all i want to say is don't be afaird to be yourself plz!!!