Racism in Trinidad


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Hmmm.. Sad thing is that these are big hardback men behind small computer screens and some of them are even raising children..
Tr1ad is useless dude doesn't act as an admin..and never replies to messages
Sky22 said:
Hmmm.. Sad thing is that these are big hardback men behind small computer screens and some of them are even raising children..
i came back to this thread just to share with you how far racism has gone!

yesterday on i95.5FM dale and tony made a comment that african men do not contribute to the community and to their families at all, and this sparked a furious response from listeners who went on to deny and support it, so basically they brought up racism to promote and bring up their discussion to be more popular, it got seriously out of hand yesterday on their talk show!
What day i reversed parked like ah boss in Pizza Hut in curepe ..This lady came next to me after i exited my car and did not reverse park as usual. She parked quite close to the white line preventing her from coming out of her car. All she could of done was reversed and fixed but nooo ! She mumbled to herself 'Indian people again eh boy." Me being a polite fellow, just shook my head. I don't understand why she had to class me so. I hate when people play the race card.
Wait so sky, she didn't follow the set parking rule in pizza hut (reverse parking) and surprised she had issues with the way she parked? Then proceeded to make a racist comment about how you parked ?

I would have shown her this picture then and there!.....
Lmaooooooooooo.... Poor thing! I Sure she was elderly nah
hahahaha elderly or not, it was a stupid move all together lmao
lol It was indeed an aged woman! Like yuh had experience with them. It was a stupid move and imagine she watching me hard eye through KFC glass when i walking out of Pizza Hut to my car. Steups. I was feeling to flip her off and drive off.
I recall many years ago a friend of mine was dating (what I'd call) a local "mixed white": dad was white. Mother was Indian. Mother was also racist outright.

He went through stress: dad and mom not together, and the dad had no issues with the couple but the mom would call police for him every time she went out with him.

I eventually learned that at some point the dad left the mom for a black woman - which surely boosted her racist mantra. After my friend and the girl stopped dating, she went on to have a child for another black guy. I would guess the mom disown she own grandson by now.

Racists need to be backhanded across the face and then forehanded same speed. idiots!
Saxman i agree! This is not the time, place or year for racism ..Those were things off the past .
Until the death of UNC and the pnm racialism will always exist. It have too much of serious things to study about out here and people fighting down each other. People all over the world eg the Chinese coming and reaping all the wealth and laughing as us why because we are always talking about race. Fools I say that is what we are.
While Trinidad is busy fighting petty battles, foreign nationals are reaping the benefits and sending profits back to their home country
anyone saw the video with the 2 elderly men,of indian and negro decent arguing over the PNM and UNC political parties ,and then they jumped right away to race and ethnic backgrounds?
Why can't we just get along in this country boy smh!
Racism shall forever be seeded within the people who reside in this country.

No matter how much you try, it's always going to exist. Is just the mentality of society today.