Racism in Trinidad


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May 21, 2014
Do you notice? Or just try a blind eye
I just really pissed to why we still have racism in Trinidad and Tobago and we are a multiple ethnicity country.
Almost everyday there is some racist post on a well know forum board and it seriously bothers me that the mods and Admin do nothing about because everybody is friend,friend scn which is shouldn't be!
Image from a normal thread that takes a turn for the worst and I promise you guys NOTHING would be done! Actually they had a racist thread that lasted 2 weeks before being deleted.
i had a feeling this would reach over on this site! I read through that entire thread on Trinituner, i and got soo pissed off, i had to turn a blind eye , went and took a drink of water, came back and came on here, the mentality and nature of some of those tuners is just so disgusting!
Nah boy this can't be going on all the time so...not the first time for the year a thread like this happening and they do nothing but fast to close down a duplicated thread!
Is time they do something and not saying nothing Bollywood giving em the okay to go on with it! It should have been snip in the bud...tuner hadda get blast for this to stop man...
i totally agree, but you can preach and howl at the mods all you want, only the "padnas" and the "inside friends" could actually make any difference, and all them padnas is the ones arguing and being racist ignoramuses! Tuner logic again, but say what , the good tuners know who they are,but if the mods want to let it get out of hand and the site activity drop ............................


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Re: Racism in Trinidad

I know I rel outta timing on tuner eh but jaglal....anyway, mods on many forums (didn't call any names to offend anyone) work on a bredrin basis

Anyway racism anywhere is a problem...happens in our country, especially when them white people watch you Like you don't belong in our own country. Racism Is not natural it's taught and simply put, I don't think it can be stopped
Re: Racism in Trinidad

I agree with Steven it cannot be stop , ignorance is bliss in this country
Well yeah for sure we all know it can't be stopped because its a mind set that just grows on
But yea Steven I know where you coming from because I had the same problem with a white man and had to let em know what going from then on thats my padna! Sometimes it takes on person putting a stop to something for a change to come...
And racism to me is caused by politics in Trinidad just look at how these parties are evenly mixed with different ethnicities -_-

To me we need to stop looking at skin colour and where people from/background and respect all people the same!
Re: Racism in Trinidad

Nah they don't care bro money making and site still meeting d mark so they won't change anything...my main problem is d racism and ignorances
Then and again u gonna have the few members that gonna hate on ur because there life sucks :/
I'm for certain that Racialism WILL NOT BE TOLERATED HERE(this forum). Racialism is stupid because, regardless of how fair or dark skinned we are still considered blacks people to Americans and England. Indian, Negros should not be fighting or talking in any particular way about each other badly, we live in Trinidad and Tobago and their for we are Trinidadians Not Indians or Africans.
WERE you born in India or Africa is what i ask people who talk racially against a particular group of people and the answer is no, you were born here hence makes you a Trinidadian.
This is so wrong on so many levels..I think if you are the leader/boss or manager of a workplace or website strict rules supposed to be given regarding racism and one should try to courage friendly discussion and relations. There is a saying " If you stay neutral in a situation, you are just giving power to the oppressor" ..Saying nothing only condones the action and deleting a thread would not solve anything.. It's just like if you are a parent and don't set strict boundaries or rules, how do you expect your children to turn out?

When you making money no one care eh? These days Racism getting so political and it was always so "Coolie, Coconut oil" people is with UNC OR PP etc and "Negro" Is for PNM or NAR..Within our political history there have been many racial slangs used to divide our country to get votes and appeal to the people. Many are very loyal and would obviously follow their leader or party and i think that's where everything went wrong..Sometimes i also blame the media..
There is no such thing as racism in Trinidad and Tobago. What we have are stupid people. For those of you who have traveled into red-neck country and experience racism in its true evil head - it makes your toes curl. I remember visiting Oklahoma for 3 weeks on work related training. Those red-necks would only converse if absolutely necessary even though we all worked for the same company. They would have after class limes, go exploring in malls, strip clubs etc - both me and another Trinidadian were exposed to real racism.

The jokers we have in this country who claim to be racist are simply stupid. Send them outside to feel their own heat !
V2nr 3.0 said:
There is no such thing as racism in Trinidad and Tobago. What we have are stupid people. For those of you who have traveled into red-neck country and experience racism in its true evil head - it makes your toes curl. I remember visiting Oklahoma for 3 weeks on work related training. Those red-necks would only converse if absolutely necessary even though we all worked for the same company. They would have after class limes, go exploring in malls, strip clubs etc - both me and another Trinidadian were exposed to real racism.

The jokers we have in this country who claim to be racist are simply stupid. Send them outside to feel their own heat !

Racism is indeed stupid people hating on others that look different to them in any form or fashion. I have experienced alot of racism in my own country and it sucks! People need to seriously get over themselves.
LadyDeath said:

Must say, this was my favorite free speech so far. Racism is well and alive in this country. If you think US or Trinidad is bad try visiting Guyana..They will call you "coolie" or "N*****" infront your face. Guyana cannot get racism under control and it's all because of political party segregation. We all as people, need to really grow up or shut up..
Regardless of ethnic background, political allegiance, culture or trends, each and every one of us will get wet in the rain if you stand in it. None of us are any different to those of other cultures and ethnicities. Just plain stupid, illiterate and ignorant.
Thread magically disappeared after Kerwin n others start it up
Well me (Kerwin) with my "outta timing" self...said by the famous tr1ad himself, PM'd both tr1ad and Duane about it last night and I know a good few people who reported the thread last night and my only reply was from Duane stating that moderators are not employees (which is technically not true since mods do get paid) and that the thread was not reported whatsoever until this morning.

I reported the thread last night...guess the receive reports a few hours late