Question Of the Day

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datz pretty much wat i did...
dont b scared...all ull possibly get iz a lil shock mayb...i kno i did...
ok, so i gotta a question...if u could live newhere n da world...where would u live?
italy cuz of d fashion, food, people, and places 2 see
i want 2 either live newhere n italy, barcelona, or sumwhere n california...but i do kno 4 college im gonna try 2 go 2 ucla...
Japan.......Chiba city to be precise........
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm allure an this anime eh lawd.... I want to go to forks bcuz it rains everday and snows as well on and off everyday
now, either itz been a looonnnggg time since my cpu crashed...or it haz neva crashed...only probz i hav wit my laptop iz da fact it doesnt hold a charge...i hav 2 keep it on a charger all da time...