Purchasing Car Tires


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lol yours still low profile with them ah telling you some 33s when the van go down in rell age:flame:....lol i dont check how much km i get out of my tires lol i just monitor the wear on it...plus i always all over the place lol.....ditto on brakes lol well thy if you really need upgrades lol as the stock on most vehicles work well
Yea thy my routine as well as tire pressure at the beginning of the week so they wear evenly
Lol I lookin to get a set of prado 18s eventually grim, the new set from the prado 200. 20s just mess up the geometry too much i find. If not that well i have the original hyper silver wheels in storage, will just sand them and put some fresh clear coat on and get some new 31s cause 33s can't fit without a lift due to the body mount being just behind the front wheels.

Tire pressure is a major thing to check since when you doing that you can just watch the tire to see if there are problems as well.

Anyone like Sailun tires?