Prostitutes in school

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
This have been happening since i was going to school even before about 5 years ago, Girls are acting as prostitutes taking 5 dollars for a blow job and 10 for a routine sex. Alot of them even charge less and when i used to ask some of the girls i know doing this they were telling me that they need the money for this and that. Hey do more sexual acts out of school and they allow people to take them. Reason why their is alot of videos on people's phones with school sex.
Its time we start calling these people not children but prostitutes
yes actually my teacher was tellin me abt this in marabella composite there are alot of prostitutes there that stand up by the road and have plack cards holding up signs for sex acts and how much it costs..these girls are sick in their brains
Yes reason why i am calling them school prostitutes, any one who gets paid for sexual acts and relations are considered prostitutes if done for some time.
wayyy, things real sick. what those girls thinking they could be doin better money isnt all.

A 15-year-old British schoolgirl has caused outrage after it emerged she worked as a part-time prostitute. The unidentified female worked the streets for two months and earned a staggering $20,000.

The girl was discovered after teachers found condoms, lubricant, and details of the agency she worked for in her school bag. The school informed the police and officers raided her home, where they discovered 8,000 pounds (about $11,000) hidden in her attic.

A 44-year-old man and a 46-year-old woman have been arrested on suspicion of inciting child prostitution. The schoolgirl is unlikely to face any charges, though the money police discovered is likely to be forfeited.
waaaayyyy 15 an daz the stuff them doin for to better their life ewww!! that really sick...
Its so sick to read about these things happening in school...

Its degrading the school, the individual , their family, society.... I blame the school's authority for not putting things in place .....
that's not suprising to me, cuz we alwayz hearin talk bout who had sex wit who on d stairs, who gave who a bj, even in d bathroom on d walls dis girl wrote dat dese 2 boys raped her in d basement n it was d best!! i dont even think some of em get paid n if dey do i dont think its much over 10.00
Wtf she get raped and she saying its the best wtf if thats how teens are thinking these days well no hope again, na thats real sad
I guess alot of teens wants to experience sex before a certain age ....And when they see the results of it , they wish they never did it!!!!! seems like a good thing but u wudn't be surprised some get traumatized after having sex cause they now realize how much their virginity was worth to them
i hear alot of 13-14 yr olds talking about sex too, all i do is listen and laugh i mean d things they talk, i mean maybe dats hot d 14yr old girl in my crafts class got pregnant wit twins? poor kids
school principal are not as strict as they were,some teachers are so young they sometimes have to show it by they dresscode,principals want to be friends with students,safety officer dont know their job spec, auto teachers have special classes breaktime!!,maxi are dropin them outside d gate so every body is part of this problem, school is a free for all now wat they want is someone like prison officers not teachers,prostitutes mostly operated outside d gate and fron their FRIENDS HOME!!! yes they do
Well i was talking to this little 11yr old girl who lives in south..a girl in her class is a lesbian ..yes an 11yr old girl plus the girl who talked to me knows more than me in adult categories..when i asked her how she knew so much she told me the children teached her about them things :eek:mg:
There are alot of young gilrs who know more than others.... TV...Internet..... relatives.....