Prophet Benjamin Performance?

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Jun 9, 2008
Did you all see prophet Benjamin performance for the Soca Monarch. Well for those he hired a PM Look a like and wine up on the woman..first of all i hated how he performed on stage because firstly your name is PROPHET And you singing about winning but these days everyone doing things for money yes but to wine up on a PM look a like it was a disgrace and shame . I feel if she did get a chance to slap him she would of already done it really was embarassing
Alot of people are talking about what his stage name means and said that he disappointed alot of people when he sang that song. Personally i don't have nothing against his song trow wine and actually i like it, but i really taught he was about singing conscious music to change the mind set of people going the wrong way.
i was shocked as well. it was disrespectful to the Pm especially because she is a woman and katrina it is true that people doing things for the money yes. I think now he should remove prophet from his name because he certainly is not one!
ah was watching this performance and all i cud say he have no respect at all. your PM is a woman and that is the kind of thing you want to do on stage. shame on you and your "prophet title" and as for vickie i agree you certainly is not one lol
lol akon is ah different thing yes..but i tellin yuh he should remove prophet from his stinkin name