Price Smart Sells Bootleg Johnny Walker

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May 13, 2014

Have you guys went to Price Smart and wondered why they have all the johnny walker empty boxes on the shelf instead of the bottles itself?? It's because it is the BOOTLEG johnny that they buy cheap in large quantities to sell off as original. Bootleg Johnny Walker is not the original, does not carry the marble in it and tastes slightly different and reportedly gives a nasty after effect. You have to carry the empty box by the cashier and pay for it and then collect it before you walk out the door tricking people, because once they realize it is bootleg and pay for it you cannot get refunded.
I got caught in this. I was told i need to bring the box to the cashier pay for it and they will give me the bottle after, only when checking home i noticed it had no marble in it and to make matters worst i bought 4 of it.
Its a Scheme because they know its the fake version (bootleg) and the method they are selling it you will not know if its fake until you buy it. Why is it they don't sell the more expensive alcohol like Jack and Dannel and Hennsey the same way they are selling the Johnny Walker? It because they know they know they bought the fake version cheaper and selling them to the unsuspected public. Same on Price Smart (their name says it all Price "SMART" LOL)
Hopefully when this post becomes more popular they will try to be not so smart when everyone knows
i too have been caught with this! on new years our family has a custom of getting together and taking our little drinks before the new year comes in, and last year we had the misfortune of buying Johnny walker from PriceSmart , after we cracked open the first bottle (we bought 6 bottles, because my uncle loves to drink) so after cracking open the first bottle and my grandmother took the first drink, she immediately spit it out, recognising that its not real johnny , my uncle didn't know what the scene was, we didn't even know that there was bootleg johnny, to be very honest we just thought that we got a bad batch of the rum.

thats why we purchase all our alcohol from bars across the nation

thanks Sky , lets make the public aware!
I think we should go further and report this, i think i can get enough evidence to report this to the consumer affairs. I will gather some pictures and ask the cashiers if they can tell me more about this.
Yup across all outlets. I am more of a Absolut Vodka person because it doesn't give me the headache in the morning ...Sometimes i think Johnny is too mainstream LOL
-Roach- said:
Folks... Just keep calm and drink WHITE OAK.

someone to drink with here folks! also approved by the PM :lol:
But its obvious white oak is the rum of all rums... Even though they importing cane from guyana... It still lashing...
-Roach- said:
But its obvious white oak is the rum of all rums... Even though they importing cane from guyana... It still lashing...

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Its that time again (Christmas) and with over 580 views on this topic i wonder if Price Smart saw this post, wonder if they will buy the real deal this time and not try to fool people with their bootleg Johnny?
Nah not me and this again! I rather but liquor from the store and done. To many Christmas scandals now to sort through!
i think you meant to say why isnt this making news lol
Hahahahaha wayssssssssss hear that chaser.... Personally that's the first time I ever heard anyone use kool aid as a chaser
i said that mehself when they tell me try i screw up my face and if you hear me "kool aid i dont drink them thing" until i try it watch meh i in love with it now Mr Bollywood
yep got fooled wit dis as well, this yeah its $200...and wen u open it no crystal n its nt tasting lik JW....dats d 1st n last time.