President Wants Official Commemoration Of 1990

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President Paula-Mae Weekes says the time has come for Trinidad and Tobago to have an annual national observance of one of the “darkest days” in our history the July 27th 1990—in which two dozen people lost their lives and many more were injured and which left a trail of destruction across the capital city.

Weekes is suggesting that such a commemoration “would serve as an annual reminder to remain vigilant in preserving our hard-won democracy.”

The country, she said, must always remember that 1990 “was not simply a grab for power, but an egregious attack on our democratic ideals.”

The President said she was “convinced” that a “proper and fitting annual observance” of the attempted coup d’etat of 1990 to mark the “significance of one of the darkest days in our history,” is long past due.

Weekes is also urging citizens on the 28th anniversary of the insurrection led by Jamaat al Muslimeen leader Yasin Abu Bakr to “continue to reinforce our commitment to democratic values and to our complete opposition to violence, whatever the justification.”

In a statement on the 28th anniversary of the attempted coup, the President said while for the past 28 years citizens have been reminded of the event through church services, newspaper articles or interviews conducted on the subject, “I have long wondered why there has never been an annual official remembrance.”

Weekes said such a commemoration “would demonstrate an awareness and recognition of the ordeal of those who suffered and died,” and will also show an appreciation for the members of the armed forces who “risked their lives to ensure that the insurrection did not spread further, and serve as an annual reminder to remain vigilant in preserving our hard-won democracy.”

Recalling the events of that fateful day, she said citizens bore witness to the “violent and illegal attempted overthrow of our government by a group of individuals, intent on seizing power,” in a siege which lasted for five long days.

It is a period, she believes, “should remain always etched in our collective memory.”

The capital city housing the seat of this country’s democracy was ravaged by fire and looting and in the aftermath 24 citizens lost their lives and dozens more were injured.

Weekes said, “those who did not lose their lives, lost their property and more importantly their sense of security.”

The unfolding events, according to the President “ushered in a period of mourning and of great loss.”

Despite our reputation for having short memories, she said: “Today we remember those who lost their lives in the chaos of 1990 including Mr Leo des Vignes, Member of Parliament, Diego Martin, SRP Solomon McLeod, ASP Roger George, Estate Constable Malcolm Basanta, George Francis, Arthur Guiseppi, Helen Lavia, Lorraine Caballero and Mervyn Teague and the unknown, although direct, casualties caused by the traumatic events.”

She said many citizens continue to suffer daily as a result of the emotional wounds caused by what they would have experienced or witnessed.

But the country, she said, should not forget the bereaved who lost “a parent, a friend, a son or daughter,” and who may often feel as though they have been left behind.

Weekes noted that in the United States every year the names of the three thousand (3,000) people who died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks are individually read out in honour of their memory, “we do not even do that for our far fewer number of casualties,” she said.

Wendell Eversley, a survivor of the insurrection who has virtually single-handedly commemorated the event, told Guardian Media yesterday that he had written to the President on the issue of a national commemoration by letter on June 20, which he hand delivered. He commended the President for her position.

Eversley said he had also written to Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley on the issue and had received no response, but he is now hoping that “the Prime Minister will heed the message of the Head of State and that there will be a national commemoration of the event.”