Post pictures of your pets

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HAHAHAH welly ou know its me you know, when i get another pet i will name him naruto or inuyasha lol
Huh gawd i fraid u..Take care when we have children wah u go name them...Pinguasha? ROTFL JK
the household dog bengie....aka benny...aka B....aka...BB....





R.I.P Lenny.

these are all my friends puppies i dont have any pets or puppies :( but playing with them is sooo much fun lol
lol that one has a shirt he looks soooo cute!!!
d 1 with d shirt was mixed with chihuahua and some other thing, he died tho :( he got sick an his daddy took him 2 d vets a little 2 late, poor lenny he was so fun, n liked playin wit socks dats y deers so many lol
yuh friends dogs looks cute but the first one looks evil......
Lol yea hes lik a perverted man trapped in a dog's body cuz he loves 2 hump girls or deer stuff n if ur holdin him he starts 2 scratch ur chest or try 2 lick it lol i know some dogs like that..talkin about that ayone know where i can find a female pit for my doggie he keeps humping my other male dog..its really sad
What the hell what kinda of homo dog you have their ariyah omg no homophobic activities has gone to the dogs and its started by ariyah's house omg
lol u sure he want a female dog??? he soundin normal 2 me :p lol

My very loyal dogs...always waiting on a pic :clap:


not a pet but an uninvited guest :haha:
Ways you evil resha look how you hanging the poor creature, hmmm
haha i hope he stayed for dinner. poor thang! resha must be had a good time althou i do not eat that