
In an Intelligence-led exercise assisted by drone technology, officers from the Stolen Vehicles Squad (SVS) were able to recover an SUV belonging to the Ministry of Works and Transport.
According to a police report, shortly after midday on Friday a driver hired by the ministry parked and secured the vehicle at the ministry’s headquarters at Clarence House, corner Duke and St Vincent Streets in Port-of-Spain.
When the driver returned to duty on Monday he discovered the white Toyota Fortuner missing. A report was made at the Central Police Station’s Criminal Investigations Department.
The matter was handed over to Sgt Christopher Swamber of the SVS, who acted on intelligence received.
In a joint search exercise with the Air Support Unit, led by Sgt. Ronny Rampallard, between 8 am and 10.30 am yesterday the vehicle was spotted parked between two buildings at Phase 5, Beetham, also known as Hell Yard, close to the Churchill Roosevelt Highway, Beetham.
Speaking with the T&T Guardian yesterday, Swamber said the ministry’s logo, which was affixed on both front doors, of the vehicle were removed.
He added that the vehicle was towed to the CID for processing. No arrests were made.
The recovery exercise was headed by Swamber under the supervision of acting Senior Supt Ajith Persad and a party of officers including Sgt Bernard Dolloway, Cpl Ramcharan, PC Forgenie and PC Hinds.
PC Hinds is continuing investigations.