Police Corrupt; Who will enforce law?


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New Member
Sep 12, 2008
Now in light of the recent "hoopla" surrounding the new fines to be imposed on those who break traffic laws, who the government expects to uphold and enforce these laws, the police? They themselves are too busy hiding court exhibits, illegal guns, drugs and other such things in the ceilings of police stations, thier personal lockers etc. We can't trust the police. They are too corrupt. So the plan is to let the rougue cops be allowed to charge motorists who "they" deem breaking the law, to pay these hefty fines. There's gonna be alot of altercations between motorists and the police.

In order to actually collect on these new fines, the police will first need to be present on the nation's roads (which they are not), actually catch these law breakers (which they can't seem to do), and get these motorist to actually show up to pay on these tickets. how is this going to work? I don't know. But don't get me wrong, I am in full support with new fines. There are too many recklessness on the nation's roads. If the authorities can get thier act together and actually start to seriously charge motorists, maybe we'll see some improvements in the mindset of drivers on the roads.
True but when a driver gets pulled over and knows he faces a $2000 fine wouldn't a corupt policeman suggest he pay him $500 and save $1500? Wouldn't the driver happily pay up? we are just enriching corrupt officers
10 people enforcing the law is a lot less effective than 100 people obeying they law. The population expects the police to do everything when it itself working against them. Trinis are a lawless people no amount of policing can fix the nature of the people. We have conspiracy for everything even though we're just as responsible for the level of crime today. People are all to willing to yield control over to someone else and the criminal elements dont mind taking advantage.
That is true but what do you think have us so, make a guest if the government were to enforce the laws long ago then we would not have developed this "dont care" mentality.
Excerpts from The Godfather (the novel):
Hagen understood that the policeman believes in law and order in a curiously innocent way. He believes in it more than does the public he serves. Law and order is, after all, the magic from which he derives his power, individual power which he cherishes as nearly all men cherish individual power. And yet there is always the smoldering resentment against the public he serves. They are at the same time his ward and his prey. As wards they are ungrateful, abusive and demanding. As prey they are slippery and dangerous, full of guile. As soon as one is in the policeman’s clutches the mechanism of the society the policeman defends marshals all its resources to cheat him of his prize.

The fix is put in by politicians. Judges give lenient suspended sentences to the worst hoodlums. Governors of the States and the President of the United States himself give full pardons, assuming that respected lawyers have not already won his acquittal. After a time the cop learns. Why should he not collect the fees these hoodlums are paying? He needs it more. His children, why should they not go to college? Why shouldn’t his wife shop in more expensive places? Why shouldn’t be himself get the sun with a winter vacation in Florida? After all, he risks his life and that is no joke.

He had been a good cop, a brave cop. The tough young punks terrorizing street corners fled when he approached and finally vanished from his beat altogether. He was a very tough cop and a very fair one. He never took his son around to the storekeepers to collect his money presents for ignoring garbage violations and parking violations; he took the money directly into his own hand, direct because he felt he earned it. He never ducked into a movie house or goofed off into restaurants when he was on foot patrol as some of the other cops did, especially on winter nights. He always made his rounds. He gave his stores a lot of protection, a lot of service. When winos and drunks filtered up from the Bowery to panhandle on his beat he got rid of them so roughly that they never came back. The tradespeople in his precinct appreciated it. And they showed their appreciation.

He also obeyed the system. The bookies in his precinct knew he would never make trouble to get an extra payoff for himself, that he was content with his share of the station house bag. His name was on the list with the others and he never tried to make extras. He was a fair cop who took only clean graft and his rise in the police department was steady if not spectacular. During the time he was raising a large family of four sons, none of whom became policemen. They all went to Fordham University and since by that time Mark McCluskey was rising from sergeant to lieutenant and finally to captain, they lacked for nothing. It was at this time that McCluskey got the reputation for being a hard bargainer. The bookmakers in his district paid more protection money than the bookmakers in any other part of the city, but maybe that was because of the expense of putting four boys through college.

McCluskey himself felt there was nothing wrong with clean graft. Why the hell should his kids go to CCNY or a cheap Southern college just because the Police Department didn’t pay its people enough money to live on and take care of their families properly? He protected all these people with his life and his record showed his citations for gun duels with stickup men on his beat, strong-arm protection guys, would-be pimps. He had hammered them into the ground. He had kept his little corner of the city safe for ordinary people and he sure as hell was entitled to more than his lousy one C note a week. But he wasn’t indignant about his low pay, he understood that everybody had to take care of themselves.

When you have SRPs doing the same job as regular policemen but without the pay or benefits or you tell the police to work but tie their hands with political BS or make them work in run down stations what do expect to happen? If someone says I have something coming through at this time on this date all you have to do is look away, take a break or go tie your shoes you think they won't take it? They have bills, mortgages, rent, school fees etc to pay for. When the criminals are always better equipped than the police a man has to ask. "Why should I commit suicide which profits nobody when I can capitalize and provide for my family?"

I'm not a member of any branch of the Protective Services; I'm just a regular guy asking questions.