Police brutality in Trinidad and Tobago


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Interesting and eerily true point! I was taught in elementary school that every change begins with each of us. Unfortunately, the majority opinion in our society is if he/she can do it and get away with it, why can't I? I've noticed an increasing trend of people standing by to take pictures or video footage of incidents where they could have been of assistance or at least alerted authorities. The recorder/photographer gets youtube and facebook hits and in some cases (like this one) instigates further drama. In some cases, it's good that there's evidence of the incident though, but I wonder if we can come to a day where the anonymous kind Samaritan reigns supreme.
That primary school theory works but not in a society where I see I do. It works where I see, I think and then I do.

And that's exactly it, Its too easy to get away with crime in this place. A simple thing like speeding where you can actually see that a person is "going for redline" police don't even flip a siren nothing. So when people see these type of reactions or lack of reaction, then they feel nothing as many of them seem to have no conscience to guide their behaviour.
I may get bash for this but I will say it any how the amount of criminals join srp its astonishing, are you aware that srps service don't require any qualifications? are you aware that srps train for 2 weeks training in basic laws and 2 weeks firearm training which is a total of 4 weeks training, are you aware that they wear the same uniform as TTPS officers ?. Most of the time we Ttps gets the blame but its usually srps who screw up. They under go little to no background checks so as I said when criminals join they have access to the walkie talkie so they know everything about the police movements.
Wow admin you unearthed something I never knew in that point.
Thinking about it, it only seems logical to me.

Also why are they recruiting so many officers without proper checks?

Honestly speaking we believe that applying more manpower will solve crime and they are trying to recruit as much officers as possible quickly. When this is done everything falls apart, also not forgetting its much more easier for strings to be pulled to get your friends and families into the SRP so that's the main reasons why proper background checks are not done.
Please don't talk about Prison Officers as well. But that's a whole other topic!

Trinidad need to wake up and realize that yes there are people applying to be officers but that won't solve the problem. More manpower does not necessarily mean less crime. Some join the service just to sit down in an office and relax because they are hearing that from other family members/friends who are officers. So if this talk is spreading can you imagine who joining the police force to play the fool ?
This is a sad reflection of our police service, but true nonetheless. I guess there's nothing really we can do to change that, leaving our only option to watch our backs with corrupt authorities just as much as we would with criminals or shady people. What kind of future does this country have when this is still the norm in 2015?
This is a sad reflection of our police service, but true nonetheless. I guess there's nothing really we can do to change that, leaving our only option to watch our backs with corrupt authorities just as much as we would with criminals or shady people. What kind of future does this country have when this is still the norm in 2015?
Matters may have to be taken into your own hands at some point.
There are very good officers but as with the rest of society, far and few.
We will try to change when it is too late. People are saying things getting like Brazil now. You cannot even relax in your own yard. We are all living in jail because we have to fence, burglar-proof etc. just to live ..and in Trini, living now till you get old is not even guaranteed anymore
Don't count on burglarproof and fences for protection. A well protected business with top notch security features, guard dogs, etc. was robbed last year by criminals who burst a hole in the wall and broke open the safe after being unable to break the shatterproof door.