PM Undergoes Knife Tomorrow

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Jun 9, 2008
Prime Minister Patrick Manning will undergo surgery to remove a malignant tumour in his left kidney at 9.30 a.m. tomorrow, a release from the Prime Minister's office stated last night.

The release added that the Prime Minister's doctors have indicated that the duration of the surgery is expected to be about two hours. Manning will check into the hospital today in preparation for tomorrow's procedure.

The surgery is to be done at the Cimeq Hospital in Cuba. Manning had valve replacement surgery in 1998 and had a pace maker inserted at the same facility.

Sources said yesterday that the fact that the surgery, which was originally due for Thursday and Friday, has been brought forward, suggests that the PM's doctors are confident that the medication which Manning has been taking for his heart for years, and which prevents his blood from coagulating properly, is now fully out of his system and that the PM blood has returned to a condition where it is clotting properly.

Informed sources have said doctors are expected to remove the left kidney. We are all born with two kidneys but, medical sources stress, we only need one to function as human beings.

Manning's two sons are expected to leave today for Cuba to join their father and mother, Hazel.

Yesterday, Manning sent word to the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago that he is resting comfortably and doing well. Manning, who was in good spirits, reported that all was fine with him as he continues to express deep gratitude to those who have wished him well.

Yesterday, Roman Catholic Archbishop, Edward J Gilbert, stated: "It is with great regret that I learned of the illness of the Prime Minister. I have written to Mrs Manning to assure her and the Manning family of the prayerful intercession of the people of the Archdiocese, for the Prime Minister. We pray his surgery will be successful and will lead to a full recovery."

Yesterday, PNM sources said there were lots of prayer group sessions being conducted within the party for the Prime Minister's good health.
Really i wish him a speedy recovery and hope to see him in operation soon
Seriously i wish ever thing goes well with the surgery, i know their are alot of people out their who happy about this and hope for the worst, he is a human and he's our prime minister regardless and we all should wish him well
well the surgery was a sucess so hopefully all is well with him....
Yeah and it was a neurosurgen newsday say assisted in the surgery lol isn't that for brains.. just kiddin. I'm just happy it was a success.. but now he has one kidney.. that real bothering me boy.. I hope he takes good care of it.
so it was to remove a kidney? i thought it was a tumour! well what ever it was , i do hope too that he takes care of himself
Mr. Manning got the all clear by his doctors and was release from the hospital but he will be staying in Cuba til January 2009....Great recovery...