Pictures showing how small earth is!

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
This is going to blow your mind seriously, I'm going to show you guys how small earth really is. Some people believe that the sun is a planet but its actually a start and its really very small too.

If you’ve ever had trouble grasping the true sizes involved in astronomy and the size of earth compared to other planets and stars, as you will see here. The scales involved are mind boggleing. You just won’t believe how huge and mind blowingly big they are

They say the universe contained “billions and billions of stars” and that we are the only "intelligent" life in the universe.....Its hard to beleive that we could possibly be alone in this universe..The new Google Earth's has some excellent views of space!! See your house from Space too!

The following pictures are one of the best visual pictures that I have ever seen, that shows pretty clearly just how insignificant earth actually is.

Prepare to feel really small..!!


Here are the inner planets, the small rocky bodies cloe to the sun and Earth looks pretty big here. Our neighbour is almost our size, but we are the biggest of the bunch.


As we travel farther out, we encounter gas giants, huge balls of gas that are make our inner planets seem so small in comparison.Even Pluto is barely visible here.


Arcturus is one of the brightest stars in the sky, and you can see that size is one reason why in comparison to our sun. Notice that Earth isn’t even visible at this scale, and Jupiter, the giant among planets in our system, is just a single pixel o


At the centre of our system is a burning ‘gas giant’ that completely dwarfs even the biggest planet, Jupiter. Earth is barely visible At this scale, and Pluto is little more than a pixel on the image. The diameter comparison between the earth and the


But even Arcturus is dwarfed by the super-giants, massive red stars that would swallow huge chunk of our solar system. Antares and Betelgeuse, if they were placed at our Sun’s location, would easily envelope Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars … Antares’

So..... are you feeling insignificant now?
I'd feel insignificant if it had something living that big lol. I think it's amazing the scale of the universe. Thats one of the things Science Fiction tends to get wrong... stuff is either too close or too small. And to think that atoms are like ridiculously small.. and supermassive stars are ridiculously huge. The star YV Canis Majoris, the biggest known star, would extend all the way to saturn if it were our sun thats huge! I wish I could see a star up close... and not be blinded. lol... but then the sun is pretty close.. hmmm.
got this in an email a good while back. i was shocked wen i saw this. damn..i had no idea there were masses that huge out there.
HUh in an email the exact thing, you know i compile most of this its not from an email