People who does catch crab?

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
So trinispicers i know we like to drink lime and dance, but i know alot of people so does like to catch crab i know i do, and especially this time crab does be running. I think is 2 days before full moon and 2 days after full moon , places like mayaro does have real crab running all in the road big huge blue crab, so anyone here does be into these things
My dad, bro and uncles are fish and crab hunters also my nephews. Just last night the went by the Caroni River and catch a whole bucket of purple hairy crab
You could easily go to chaguaramas to catch them you know Rau its easy
Crab running all now its real fun lol running down crab and feeling the pain when some of them biting you in you hand lol. Some some time i will be going again lol
we will b goin to mayaro to c if we catch any they run two days ago and nobody ah tell me but ah goin today
Thats kool i want some crabbies to cook . The other day my cuzin boyfriend and them went to catch crabbies and one crab pierced thru his thumb finer nail with its gundy. i felt sorry for him cuz i wudn't want that for anyone pain no gain......I use to go wit my was real fun especially wen meh cousins use to stick in d does still go .....I really doh hav time.......I had alot of adventures wit my cousins hunting and fishing......alot of do's and dont's passed down from my grandfather to father to
thats kool to hear. i does want to go but them does only tell me its not for girls ..thats sad i wish i could go and fish them crabs out of them holes and eat them after .... :0 muhahaha
well my dear town gul u need to experience d counrty adventures ah bit and get that foot muddy ah little, yuh missin out!!!
hahahhaaaaaa LMAO I not a town gul i living longdenville and i does get my foot dirty i am a tom boy hehe ....... I jus cannot go to ketch crab bcuz my parents tell me it to dangerous for girls to go
all u crab catchers rain has starter an d thunders r crackin so take note!!!
EEEEEEPPPP! Alot of people heading for the swamp...crab running wild !