Parents not correcting their children!

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Jan 23, 2008
Just recently i was shopping in the Port Of Spain central market and i saw a child around 7-9 years old stealing some oranges and the child was looking around to see who saw, but me and a few other persons saw her but she saw me watching her and he swell up her face and looked at me like the expression so what happen.
So i went up to the month and i told her that i and some other people saw your daughter stealing some oranges, you know what the first thing the mother would them me?. That how she put it back already in a angry way like i should not tell her anything about what her child did, but in fact when i looked in her bag i still saw the stolen goods.
This is what is encouraging young people to steal and do crime because their parents and not punishing/correcting them when reports come about the child doing something wrong. But the first thing the parent would look to do is to defent their child saying my child would not ever do such a thing he/she is a good mind your dam business.
Gosh if you are this kinda of person get your act together you are the problem and you are making things worst for this country because you are making and growing up a criminal
It all deals with socialization of their children..if the parents grow up stealing they will follow and if the child stole the parents suppose to punish them or talk to them .. I'm telling you CHILDREN HAVING CHILDREN and when this happen the children don't even know how to grow up their kids because they are still learning..i'm telling you its a very sad world to be living in today and seeing children over ruling their parents
The rod of discipline came from god, not to be brutal but proper administration to be render also parents need guidance from their religious back grounds our society is lacking spiritual knowledge as i see when parents go to the temple the children stays at home and sleep, how are these children to know what is require from them in a holistic way, parent should not spare the rod and spoil the child, maybe if the parents was correcting the children we won't have so many bandits out here, indiscipline students in school and adults in our work place
Corporal punishment should start back in school forget about the USA and Canada methods of dealing with delinquent children Trinidad and Tobago has a different culture and understanding. We can not take the laws of USA and Canada and apply it to our country it may not work.

When Corporal punishment was active crime was on a down low, if you notice is mainly young people mostly children in schools doing crime.
Parents are definitely not ! Just the other day i walking down to road and hear a little girl telling she mother " i hate you i not talking to you i go tell daddy and he go get vex and quarell with you " i was like WTF! and the mother taking that! if that was my daughter she done get one buss mouth yes no RESPECT
Huh buss mouth i would not take it that far but some discipline to the child would be given, Some parents are not spending the vital time with their children when they are young. When a child is young a parent can mold the child mind to learning, having respect for people among other things
Well proper socialization is the key but now kids are being influenced by their peers and want to show off their new "slangs" they use on their parents...some parents and all dont treat their kids so at all ,,they say and do almost anything infront of their own kids making them pick it up
This is what happens when parents from the last generation do not teach their children values or morals and then this generation will learn what they see from their parents. Parents nowadays want to be their children's best friend more than their authority figure.

I mean this is all fine and good if you want to have a friendship with your child, however, know the limits and know when you need to be a friend and when you need to be a parent. They say that beating children isn't good and it's demeaning to the child's self esteem and whatnot. ......... Did it work before? Yes. Is the "no licks" method working now? No You know why? Without some sort of physical punishment, people will continue to do wrong. Should we just give people a warning when they commit murders or serious crimes? Why should we send them to jail, it will hurt their self esteem right?

It's more or less the same concept and until parents can open their eyes and start accepting blame for their children's actions, I don't think society will improve.
Well what i do is correct my children in the right way. i also know not any right way maybe seen to be correct to other people but i carry them to the temple, when they do something wrong explain to them why its wrong and if they do it again then i will surely punish them . i also tell them that i love them everyday and be like a friendly figure so that they can tell me anything that went on in school. today parents dont even have a religion on their side to even motivate the kids to do the right thing and also yes this best friend thing does be a big waste sometimes because they could answer you back in ways you wouldn't even like because you let your guard down on them
Parents need to put ah gd cutass on dey children coz theres to much programmers in place for dem kids....all we tax payers dollars goin down d drain behind dem spoil brats.....i say is ah gd cutass now an dem an show dem who mindin who.....coz d tail waggin d dog in d house now!!!
Parents have to teach their children how to be good people in the society. It is from parents, children learn values.

Unfortunately there are a lot of unfit parents in our world.
Parents have to set the examples for their children. It is simply unacceptable to steal stuffs from stores.

Parents should teach kids how to behave well in the society.
Some people have children when they are still young adults and still have much to learn. I'm not saying that i think young parents are horrible but i see SOME out there that forgets to teach their children manners, spoil them to the point that they treat every bad thing as a joke and doesn't give them the nudge when they do something wrong
some of these parents need guidance for themselves!!
I agree with you sian, remember sometime ago like last week a 10 year old school boy from Tabaquite hit another 10 year old with a stone and threatened to shoot her. Well i totally blame the parents, who else does a 10 year get these habits from.
admin said:
I agree with you sian, remember sometime ago like last week a 10 year old school boy from Tabaquite hit another 10 year old with a stone and threatened to shoot her. Well i totally blame the parents, who else does a 10 year get these habits from.

admin imo, children emanate what they learn from their environment!
Some parents this day and age are also treating one children unequal.. i hate this and see it does happen around me. Parents , sometimes you does not think you does be doing it but from other people's perspective it does look so because your actions show it . Yes you love your children equally but try to treat them so... sometimes it just frustrates us and wondering now what we does be doing so wrong ..

Also correct your child don't matter the age they are..Young , teen or if they are men and women who have a bf/gf or already married. Just because they are working and independent doesn't give them the right to go astray and you can't talk to them. A PARENT JOB IS TO ALWAYS CORRECT YOUR CHILD IF YOU SEE THEM GOING IN A WRONG DIRECTION.

I am in my early 20s and i appreciate alot when my parents correct me or sit down and talk to me . It just means that they care and want the best for you
LadyDeathDemon said:
Some parents this day and age are also treating one children unequal.. i hate this and see it does happen around me. Parents , sometimes you does not think you does be doing it but from other people's perspective it does look so because your actions show it . Yes you love your children equally but try to treat them so... sometimes it just frustrates us and wondering now what we does be doing so wrong ..

Also correct your child don't matter the age they are..Young , teen or if they are men and women who have a bf/gf or already married. Just because they are working and independent doesn't give them the right to go astray and you can't talk to them. A PARENT JOB IS TO ALWAYS CORRECT YOUR CHILD IF YOU SEE THEM GOING IN A WRONG DIRECTION.

I am in my early 20s and i appreciate alot when my parents correct me or sit down and talk to me . It just means that they care and want the best for you

Correct . i also think dat alot of siblings feel this way even me lol . my younger sister gets to go everywhere including parties and limes but not me when i was her age. Thats really sad
Parents are possibly too stressed out nowadays, which is why they don't have the time and strength to correct their children.

Still parents will have to try their best.