Panday removes Ramesh as Chief Whip

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
So to time this man did this lol all hats got off to Mr ramesh for convincing the people he's a team leader lol. Well anyways what you guys think about this i know alot of you have alot to say bout this
Panday gone though.. he just alienated two major players in his party and de majority of the country dont see a good reason why. I still dunno what they was fighting for. Ramesh is a survivor and Jack is a millionare i dont think they phased at all..
How could unc ever get back office if the doing stuff like this. lol. i loss.
Yes its true you know how long panday saying he stepping down from the leader of the unc, its ashame. I totally lost the faith in the PNM and Also the UNC, They are the reasons why we have so much racialism in the country. I can say for the Cop because we have not seen form them as yet and i don't mind if we get a new government other than the UNC and The PNM by now
Why does the UNC keep doing this.....What is wrong with them.........Do they think politics is a joke....
Gosh its a disgrace to see this happening all over again.... PNM jus laughing at them.... Set ah jokers...
Panday doh like no1 in his place except his daughters an him an when people tryin to make the party better he dog want that is bacchanal he like so!!!
You know if he only step down and put some one like kamala or somebody else they have a chance of winning but they like to be in opposition so thats they choice
And thats the key of how UNC will be back in power again.... Panday must step down... and everyone will rally together..( i think)
Yeah they have opposition syndrome. That does happen when you just happy to shoot down the ruling party but when its your time to do something you stick. I tink thats all the unc party know now i guess.. i mean thats all panday know lol.
PAnday is to stubborn he knows they will have a better chance if he steps down but he does not wnat to get the impression that ramesh and they are right. Good thing i don't vote yes see all this crap these politicians giving us The UNC The PNM i will not ever vote.
I think there was something in the papers that Panday will be giving Ramesh and Jack one more chance to explain themselves for there actions.... This is starting to suck!!!!!!