Opening: 'Date Night', 'Clash of the Titans', 'Wimpy Kid'

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Jan 29, 2010
Romance, comedy and action infiltrate theaters this weekend and its going to be busy to say the least with How To Train Your Dragon still selling out show times. (Seriously, see the movie, its fantastic!)

Recommended: I'm very tempted to put Clash of the Titans up here, but going on what I've heard and what I've seen, I'll support Date Night. Starring Steve Carell and Tina Fey, Date Night follows a couple trying to enjoy a much-needed quiet night out on the town, away from their busy lives. However, when they aren't able to keep up, they try some crazy which ends up leading to crazier consequences.

I think the ads have been pretty funny so far, and it is very high concept for a comedy with car chases and the like. It is sort of a comical version of True Lies.

Reviews are strong for this type of film. Also starring James Franco, Mila Kunis and Mark Wahlberg, Date Night is out now and rated 14+.

Clash of the Titans is no doubt a very anticipated movie here, and people are turning out in droves because all shows were sold out all day yesterday. Starring Sam Worthington fresh off his Avatar success, Clash brings the Greek myth of Perseus to life, as he takes on the challenge of defeating Hades and obtaining ultimate power from Zeus, despite being a raised a man, but born a God. The remake removes many aspects of the original in favour of action, which has its advantages and disadvantages.

As someone who enjoys the greater elements of film such as direction and production, I'm not impressed, but it will satisfy the action junkie in me.

Reviews are average but you can decide for yourself. It is rated PG.

Lastly, Diary of a Wimpy Kid follows an ordinary kid surviving middle school during the academic year and giving commentary on the many wonders or lack thereof in school life.

It is based on a book which I have never read, but like many adaptations, it is said to be not as good as the literature. I don't see it having a lot of success here due to the difference in education systems plus the direct demo competition with Dragons & Alice still playing strongly.

Reviews are moderate, but criticize the titular character which is a big miss. It is rated All Ages.

Did anyone actually get a ticket to see Clash yet? If you have, how was it?
hey TFM.. I always look forward to your movie posts.. and you didn't disappoint...
Now on to business...

I'm looking forward to seeing Date Night. Saw the trailer and it looked really promising. Plus there's a lot of word of mouth anticipation for the film locally. Steve Carrel is more than capable of bringing out the locals to the theatres to see this film. Alongside is Tina Fey, who is more than capable to be Carrel's wingman (err woman)... The reviews I have read so far weren't promising. They went on to state that both Carrel's and Fey's talent were wasted.. I never listen to critics anyways so i'll be my own judge...

I saw How To Train Your Dragon and like TFM stated, its a great film. Very funny, very well put together and soft enough to envoke an emotion. the character are believable and easily relatable. The voice acting by Gerard Butler is great and bring some dept to the script. Definitely a good watch for the kids as well as the "kid-at-heart.

I haven't seen Clash of the Titans as yet.. That's on my to do list this weekend.. But given that Sam Worthington was in my all new favourite movie of all time AVATAR, i'll follow him on his greek adventure..
The reviews for Date Night have picked up a bit and are pretty solid now for its genre. Fey and Carell are masters at improvisation so I'm sure they'll be a lot of fun acting around in the movie. I really want to see it.

I really loved the design and animation behind Dragon. They really provided a worthy follow-up to the equally excellent "Kung Fu Panda". The best thing I loved was that Toothless didn't speak. He acted. I'm tired of 'talking animal' cartoons. It was nice for an animated movie to be grounded in reality in a bit.

And thanks, I enjoy doing the columns too.
I agree... come to think of it..he really didn't speak at all....i guess that's what made the show even better...
Clash Of The Titans I Know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ahhhhhhhhh *Screams Like A Girly Girl *
Hey Karrie, did you see it?? Or are you just excited to see it?
Haven't seen Clash of the titans but hopefully by next week I'll be planning to see it in the big screen.The trailer looked epic.
Saw Clash of the Titans today.Made me laugh a bit,but in all it was a great action flick.
Saw it this weekend as well.. It was decent enough. Thought the graphics could have been better, but story was alright and it came together nicely.
Lol, film makers have creative license to do whatever they feel.
The only thing I find that was overated was the craken or whatever the beast name is that they released from the underworld,he dead so easy for such a mighty beast.
Yeah tru..I was all oiled up for that movie and when i saw it i was like *heh* black horse with a weak cracken lol
They overused the Kraken in the promotion for the movie so when you finally saw it on the screen, you were underwhelmed. There should be a Clash 2 though so maybe that one will be better.
Me aint see it yet either.. not getting the time to go...dam!!!!
Clash of the Titans was boss..... Love the path where he showed the be-headed snake lady to I think is his uncle? Eyes of rock...
lolz it was kool thou with the big scorpions and thing madness
Clash of the titans was utter filth. They completely changed the storyline from the original 1981 version & it was supposed to be a remake. I was expecting the same story but with better gfx. They outdid themselves with the gfx but that storyline left a lot to be desired.

P.S. why do you have a problem with Pegasus being black?