Omg i getting grey hair

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both my parents dont hav leg hair but i do!! im so maddddd lol
brbk4498 said:
i have sexii leg hair lol that was gayy lol. i hardly have facial hair, i shave like once every 3~4mths lol niceee. baldness sucks i scared

i hate wen u shave ur beard :( i lik it!! it makes u look more manly ;)
lollll naw i aint saying that i'm just saying i'd like to see and touch his [facial] manliness lol
admin said:
lol Talking truth here, all my uncles and my dad don't have any hair in their legs but my mother side family has hair on their legs so i have on my legs too lol

yea but your a guy, although i don't think there's anything wrong with a guy shaving his legs lol but for girls its different if we shave once we gotta keep shaving or else we'll get this extra sweater thing lol
RauCous said:
lol you know male pattern baldness is genetic too lol there is no escaping it. hypertrichosis the werewolf syndrome is genetic too! I rather have too much hair than be bald lol. Werewolfness is awesome.

if i was a balding man, i'd shave it all off, that would've been my new hairstyle... lol
every one had dere laugh bout my black an grey hair now d same ppl bawling wit shame....but i'm use to havin colorful hair!!!
I have about five grey hair now, i does always say women does always stress out a man yes.
since then to now I've gotten alot more like 10 or more hmmm. Stress in work stress in my relationship and people stress hmmm
lol the more you dye your hair when you were younger is the more it will grey when you start to become older :)
As you grow older, you can expect a few grey hairs.

If it bothers you a lot, you can always color your hair.

If I find grey hair on my head, I will simply color it.
I feel i too young to be coloring my hair, if i color my hair i would think i getter really old and in the league as my parents lol.