Official Dashcam Footage Thread

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Lol could be. I don't know anyone else who gets it as often as me. I often wonder what I'm doing wrong but still can't come up with anything.
lmao hoss you got get stress if you take on all these drivers you encounter lmao.......i encounter one the other day on the highways and me and three other cars done see mistakes and a serious accident could of taken place
lmao hoss you got get stress if you take on all these drivers you encounter lmao.......i encounter one the other day on the highways and me and three other cars done see mistakes and a serious accident could of taken place

Stress? Nah I don't know what stress is behind the wheel. I get entertainment from the videos honestly. Everybody interprets things differently and for me it doesn't stress me in the slightest way despite what people might assume and feel. Most people do tell me about the stress factor and I don't experience it.
If you only knew the volume and number of encounters I've experienced you'd be surprised why I only share one or two. I don't know what stress is from the bad drive tbh. I tried to understand other peoples perspectives on it but I don't see it.

Sorry to hear about your encounter. I get that daily.
Don't know what this is, been noticing too many people trying to get into a lane at ridiculously close distances. Due to the fact that the blue car was visible in the mirror mounted on the fender, it meant that he was as close as the curb on a narrow dual carriage way. Not something safe and definitely not something that should be just let go because it can and will cause some major accidents.

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The silver car probably reacted to avoid sometimes if it was a taxi driver probably ain't indicate squat as for the blue car most likely he mis average your speed but according to the next person in red you don't cross 80 Lmao
The silver car probably reacted to avoid sometimes if it was a taxi driver probably ain't indicate squat as for the blue car most likely he mis average your speed but according to the next person in red you don't cross 80 Lmao

LMAO D next man in red ain't know he own car good he go talk about 80 hahaha.

Nah boy the silver car, if I did put the rest of the clip, you would see the taxi man slow down before in advanced and this fool just decide to over take d man like he wild.

The blue car, he just badly wanted a chance, if anything he misaverage the distance. That wouldn't be no 80 accident, take my word for it lmao.

Yes its small thing but let's face it, if anyone else was driving the nerves would be through the roof! I not sure how it seems in the video given the inaccurate distance but the man with the Altis just pulled out without enough room to safely do so causing me to come to an abrupt stop. I did slow anticipating his action initially though.

Some men just crazy, then he wants to look at me like I did him something. Well I cut part of my rant out, to keep things PG :)
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Wtf that could have been a serious accident. It have arrows but even if it had none the other driver did not even look at the other lane before cutting in. I know how it feels because i have alot of bad drives recorded on my dashcam as well.
I realize like everybody is always in a hurry all the time. This over zealousness an urgency is transferred to the way alot of our fellow nationals drive daily.
The greatest about this particular bad drive is when i post it to a certain FB group for highlighting bad drives a man from England start on me for "not slowing down fast enough" and displaying "typical aggressive driving".

I just called him a nitpicker, and he get even more vex, with a flurry of more replies I never read. I should have made him "BREXIT" from my post by blocking him.
Haven't posted in a while but this idiot pissed me off today:

This kind of action is a norm in this lawless "doh care damn" country.
People drive with blatant arrogance and purposely out to distress other drivers.

It also happens regularly at the airport;
Heading south from the highway towards the airport... after you pass the Oropune gas station.. just before the roundabout.

There are two lanes of traffic. On approaching the roundabout - arrows on the road says
Left Lane Turns Left - to enter airport
Right Lane goes straight - to approach roundabout.
A metal barrication divides these two lanes, along with a solid white line.

Regardless of this people on the left lane would drive straight up to the barrication, cross the solid line and cut infront of drivers on the right... many times causing an accident right there.
The bent metal barricades are evidence of this.
Breaking the road rules without regard is also caused by the ability to pay for a license without ever learning regulations.

This is now a norm for new women drivers. It has been a very long time since I heard that a woman actually did the full driving test before the got the license (no offense intended). Several women that I know who actually wanted to do the right thing but was asked if they are willing to pay for it and get it instantly. If they refused, the licensing officer would purposely keep failing them until they paid.
Btw... can anyone advise me on the set up of a system like this?
I was always interested in having a dashcam but not sure how it is installed nor do I know about the best equipment to by for this set up etc etc..
Also.. is it a DIY or does it have to be done professionally?

Btw... can anyone advise me on the set up of a system like this?
I was always interested in having a dashcam but not sure how it is installed nor do I know about the best equipment to by for this set up etc etc..
Also.. is it a DIY or does it have to be done professionally?


This is the dash cam i purchased before, It works excellent. You will need to purchase a 32 Gig memory card as well. Also not that these DashCams work in Fat format so the maximum memory it can read is only 32 Gigs.