Obeah, black magic & witch craft


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WTF! Oh my word.. i am speechless. I am glad that he was okay. Them obeah baptist people is ones i does stay far from yes! I never believed in these things until it happened to me. My grandmother always see two peple at the sides of her bed most nights. One donning a black robe and the other, a white robe. That shit freaky !
Your grandmother does always see that? She should really get help! Priest, pundit...somebody. that's really scary!
She said it doesn't harm her & more like protecting her... :confused:

If that was me boy i done pee myself long time
Just throwing this out there, but for anyone else that has experienced waking up and being unable to move/feeling held down, it's called sleep paralysis and can often be accompanied by hallucinations. I've experienced this myself once at night nearly 10 years ago, but cannot explain a daytime experience while using the pc two years ago.

I am an atheist and am all for science, but I've had some experiences I can't explain (I've also been told by many that I have a light shadow). A not so scary recent-ish example would be shortly after my son was born, my father-in-law made many threats to me including to "throw" something on us, boasted about being part of a group of people that would handle me "dread" and fix me "good", and claimed to have my son's and my information (not sure if he was referring to our raasi info my husband gave him) and was going to make the call to put things in place to "deal" with us and make my son suffer as he laughed and happily claimed that he had intentionally been spiting us to make my son suffer all along.

My husband was at work and could not come home at once, so I stayed in bed with my son all day. While playing with him I suddenly felt my back grow very cold (I was previously in a constant state of overheating) and my chest felt heavy and constricted, making it hard to breathe. I swallowed hard, feeling fearful for no reason and told myself I was being silly and it was probably post-partum hormones messing with me. I was scared to move for some reason and then realized the bed behind me felt weighed down as if someone was lying there, but I knew we were alone and the door was locked so I continued talking to my son and he turned his head from my face to look down past my shoulder in the general area behind me and pointed. I thought I heard some whispering into my ear coming from behind me but I told myself the two of us were alone in the room and it made no sense. I told myself we were alone, the place was very hot, and I was probably hungry or tired or too stressed but my back still felt cold, it was still difficult to breathe, I still felt the space behind me weighed down, and I could swear someone was whispering into my ear from behind me. I kept trying to distract my son but he continued to turn his head to look behind me and point at the area behind my shoulder. Because I'm a wuss with previous unexplained experiences I did not turn around, but I decided if something was there I might as well throw in some "protection" because there was nothing else I could do really. I said my godfather's prayers, chanted some mantras, the St. Michael prayer, and prayed generally to protect my son and myself. My husband seemed skeptical when I told him about it but a couple weeks later he dragged me out of bed terrified because he saw tiny little scratches on my back. His exact words were that it looked "like little claw marks". Before telling me he asked me to reach the spot and I couldn't, I usually slept with my back to a wall, and until he pointed it out I was oblivious to it.
Yup sleep paralysis ! I read up on it trying to find answers long time ago. I guess it's science way of trying to explain it where the brain wakes up before the body and you experience hallucinations and hear strange things . The question that has been debated is if the body wakes up before the brain it is understandable that we may not be able to move, but how come we experience hallucinations or hear stange things though? That cannot even be explained by science
People choose not to believe it, but these things are real, they do exist and that's really quite frightening....
Yup sleep paralysis ! I read up on it trying to find answers long time ago. I guess it's science way of trying to explain it where the brain wakes up before the body and you experience hallucinations and hear strange things . The question that has been debated is if the body wakes up before the brain it is understandable that we may not be able to move, but how come we experience hallucinations or hear stange things though? That cannot even be explained by science

I think the hallucinations are due to REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep and going back and forth between the stages of sleep. It's like when you dream you're falling and wake up with a startling jerk, feeling as though you actually were falling and just hit the ground. Of course you've been in bed, on a flat surface the whole time (unless you actually fell off the bed!) but even though you wake up still on the bed, it takes a minute to realize you were dreaming and were just startled into waking. The startling jerk and waking up with a racing heartbeat or cold sweat after a nightmare all seem to fit into the same boat for me. Maybe it's the chemicals in your brain being fooled by the REM sleep and your reactions (eg panic, feeling frozen/paralyzed in fear, shortness of breath, etc). You shift in and out of different stages of deep and light sleep numerous times throughout the night, and if you're transitioning to the lighter stage 2 sleep for instance, thinking that you're awake or coming into consciousness; any subconscious thoughts or lingering dream effects could possibly still have a great influence on your thought process and physical reactions.

If someone wakes up in a panic or filled with anxiety, symptoms of a panic attack often include difficulty breathing, feeling a heaviness and constricting in the chest, dry throat and mouth, cold sweat, racing heartbeat, feeling as though death/end of the world/terrible doom were impending etc. These are all common symptoms also associated with supernatural experiences, most of which are claimed to occur at night/waking someone from sleep/right before sleeping. The last effects of the dream cycles as you shift into full consciousness could very well lead you feel as though you see or hear something (hallucinate), and as your body responds to your panic in reality, it can convince you that the "hallucinations" are just as real as your body's responses to them.

Just a theory, although it doesn't explain why someone would have such "hallucinations" fully awake during normal daily routines, or how inexplicable physical evidence often shows up during or after these experiences. I could guess that animals have been said to have strong negative reactions and/or fierce protective instincts during their owner's experiences as many can easily read their owner's emotions and may act protectively or angrily when picking up on their owner's fear, instinctively assuming owner in fear=owner in danger. Still, just a theory and it doesn't explain everything. I would like to be a full skeptic but as I said, I've experienced things myself and heard of other people's experiences that I can't find explanations for.
A lot of what happens can be attributed to science, but there's soo much more that can't be explained. It's one thing when you experience something weird, but when someone else has the same thing happen to them, and then when there are storiest hat say the same, the evidence starts to pile up. I seen and heard about too much stuff that can't be explained. It's real, I have no doubt in my mind about that.
I've seen shadows of people passing back and forth when I was home alone, had nightmares and awoke to find tie-ins in reality to things I told myself was just a dream, been nearly fatally ill inexplicably numerous times to find out later someone tried to "throw thing" during those periods, met people that just knew things no one else knew was going on, but I would find it easier to believe in night terrors or hallucinations, even excessive coincidences than to face the possibility of black magic and the like truly existing, uncontested. I know there's evil out there, but the thought of people controlling it and using it harm others...*shivers*