Obeah, black magic & witch craft


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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Obeah, black magic & witch craft What do you guys think about these things?
If your lover horn you or want to get back at someone, share your stories or do you believe in it?

Lol, sorry pal. Don't believe in that. Nobody could inflict any harm or undesirable notion upon me either, with those dealings.
In my opinion, it will affect you in you believe in it.
I don't support it and i don't like it but its true and it does exist, If there is god and he is good there is the devil and he is evil. Black magic, Obeah and witch craft exist because of the devil.
if u guys say its not a true thing...why do pplz say the word evil or satan...wats the meaning of satanic valves or a sanatic person...i know there bad and people inflict bad thing on other that envy ah want to see go down in life...berry alyuh head in the sand an pretend things like dat dont happened...wat alyuh call tales and stories an make believe is real and happens weather u believe or not...as u live u see and learn and experience..weather gd or bad...then all who dont believe dont even mention the word coz according to u it dont exist so dont use the word....
If it never affect ur then u gonna not
But hear some of the storied and thing that occur.... U Hadda believe!
Co worker got something put on em already,dude lose weight (with no health problems) start to get bend up could walk properly then the cleaner gave em something in a bottle and tell em go by d sea n bath before the sun come up

Three days later he was back to normal

Even the Hindu's say it real they just call it different names
Yes i believe in black magic and sorts. Growing up as a child we have experienced things in our family no little child should have. I have seen countless and have had evil encounters already. Someone passed my walking a day and told me out of the blue that i have a light shadow. Things used to bother me, until i had my cats. Now i sleep great at night and i know if anything is in my room passing because my cats starts to hiss and alert me. Weird shIt!
thats gd but what if during the day the sprits make friends wit the cats...what then....and the sprits are there watchin and hanging over u at times...thats weird....use garlic it's a long time remedy...i my self is possessed an cant remove the force that comes on me...it leaves mark and scratches...no one wit believe the shit happens to my body....i cant explain....:fear:
Don't think you would like it to happen to you, it never happen to me but people close to me i saw and hear their stories and its not nice.
Hmm.. thats why from small my parents taught me to keep my surroundings clean and always use things like incense, lime etc. when cleaning. Things thrive sometimes in dirty places
You guys wouldn't believe, I came here with the intentions of creating a supernatural post, then I saw this. It's real guys......whether you choose to believe it or not....it's real. From my personal experiences, to my wife and family. Not to mention stuff I've heard over the years, same story from multiple people, it exists! I'll keep adding experiences...but lets start with these....

In 2001, I started experiencing strange occurrences, objects in my room would go missing, then suddenly re-appear days later. I would hear strange noises at night and I always got the feeling that someone was watching me. I used to listen to music in my room, when I noticed one night the volume dropping on it's own. It stopped on 17.....I raised it back to 24, only for it the lower back to 17. This went on for months, if the volume was lower than 17, it would raise to 17 and vice versa. I tried using a different outlet, but to no avail. I carry the stereo outside and ended up leaving it in the living room for more than a year. I never had the problem. The same night I carried the stereo back in to my room....it happened....more often than before. I got freaked out and stopped using it altogether.
Months passed, I totally forgot about everything, but one night, I woke up...feeling really cold, with a weird, sinking feeling. I turned to the side and what I saw would haunt me for the rest of my life....There was a man, dressed in all blue...deep blue, wearing a hat that covered his face, he was just standing there, with his hand resting on my fan, staring at me. I taught it was a bandit, it looked too real to be anything else....I taught I was dead....I blinked, he ws still there. I was afraid to move! I closed my eyes, said my prayers and asked God to protect me. When I opened them, he was gone....I shot off the bed, turned on the lights....no one was there. needless to say, I didn't sleep that night....it happened at 3:15am

If you taught that was all, you're wrong....months passed, I forgot about it, life went on. My best friend came for the weekend, we were on my bed, talking about the usual stuff....video games and girls, when I went to use the washroom. Coming back from the washroom, I got the same feeling I did all those months ago. The living room was cold...much colder than usual, there was strange noises coming from the ceiling...then the floor...then the tables....but nothing happened...I went into the room, and saw my friend lying with his face towards the wall. When he turned to me, he said...."Did you see it too?" "See what?" I responded. Then to my total disbelief, he described to me the exact individual that I saw....I had never spoken of that night to anyone. Yet here he was, describing the same figure, with the same clothes, hat, etc. The only difference....the lights were on.....the time 3:16

This is not some rouse.....this actually happened! No BS, no Halloween prank...and the worst part, compared to my other experiences...this is nothing.....

I'll be back with more...
Manga i know the feeling of being watch and the room turning cold all of a sudden
My mother and sister saw someone already in the kitchen, hand on the stove all white lady then felt there presents on these beds

I myself felt something holding me down already where all my pores were raised while I was fully awake with out being able to move
Even saw doors closed and shaked randomly like if it was the wind... I just reach the point to where I hear it,see it and don't make it bother me no matter how hard it try
Have two doors that bark at nothing in the night every night
It have people doing these thing for what benefit idk but I've been told spirits don't trouble you for nun
And Manga wash down yard with ammonia works to keep things, an old Indian man told us to use that and while using nothing happened
He even told me to get my house and myself blessed but the idea of it for some reason or the other it scares me
i thought the persons doing these stuff in my area had died...buh shit is still happening to me.....i cant sleep in my room alone and in the dark....this thing that bother is called a HOST......it's like a sprit of a dead person that has never put to rest....it wonders until it finds a body to live on or in....i'm been invaded by one of that sprit....unless this sprit is put to rest it will invade me in every way....someone told me i was passin somewhere and the sprit came on me...i don't sleep...believe it or not
Yes the tall man in the robe/suit with a hat is true..We see him in our house regularly and he tends to linger by the washroom area. They say this spirit usually lives on undecided or unclaimed land that something big had occured. In this case, our land was previously a hospital and jail in world war times and many people died here. It then became a can field with concrete structures still existing underneath our houses in our street. Things also used to hold me down at night around 3am-4am and i could not move although i am fully awake. After say my prayers and i can move is like i was dreaming from a deep sleep. Happened for years until i got my cat. I am not lying things used to real bother me and until she started sleeping with me in my room , things changed. Now i know when things are lurking around. She stands up with her back poised and hiss. I also know when she sees something i cannot. Now two years i am mostly comfortable and have 2 cats sleeping on either side of me . They are my protectors yes!
well sounds like i need to get a house cat.....coz i'm out of my mind here...cant sleep in my own home....
There are people who have to ability to turn into spirits. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true! When I was 9yrs old, we lived in a little village in Rio Claro. There was alot of talk about a certain old woman who everyone considered to be a soucouyant. Most of us thought that it was BS, but the older people warned us to stay away from her. One day, while at my some of my family, a short distance from home, my cousin came running up the street. He said that the woman was coming.....my aunt ran into her parlor and got a bag of salt, she said that soucouyants can't cross over salt. She careful spread it across the road, blocking both sides. Then we all hid, watching from the windows, soon after, the woman came walking up, she stopped literally inches from the salt...she stueps...looked around, mumbled something to herself, then turned and walked straight into the neighbors house! She went into a room and just lied down on one of the beds! They quickly ran her out of the house, all the while, she said nothing, seemed mostly unphased, then turned and went back in the direction she came from....she never crossed the salt! A few days later, she was walking in our trace, when she reached by our house, she just stopped, turned and stared straight into our living room, which was at road level. She stood there for more than half a hour, just mumbling to herself....It was really creepy...Needless to say, my mom had a lot of visual signs to prove that she had a visitor in the night..

On an even creepy note, there are men who can do it...to an even worst degree! This has happened to my ex-girlfriend, two friends and I've heard other cases from reliable sources. These sick men have the ability to turn into spirits with the intentions of interfering with women as they sleep. My ex was plagued with this problem, she would call me, sometimes hysterical at night, saying that someone was lying next to her, that she could she the indentation on a person on her mattress. She, along with the other victims that I know, have all said the same thing...they would wake up in the morning, in all states of undress...sometimes, their pants, would be by their ankles, sometimes completely off, along with their underwear. Their tops would be pulled up and they would have bruises and scrapes all over their bodies. Some have even awaken at night, with a shadowy figure on them. I can't imagine how terrifying that must be! In one instance, a woman was being interfered with, her husband suspected that it was one of their creepy neighbors, who was usually friendly towards his wife. One night she awoke, she saw a shadow on her, her clothes were almost completely off.....terrified, she grabbed her husband's arm. When he awoke, he saw the shadow above her and started to curse it. It jumped off her, but just stood in the corner staring at them. The husband, while cursing said " Ramesh Bhagwat, I know it's you!!! The shadow, bolted for a window, she said, it never came back after that.
Yes the tall man in the robe/suit with a hat is true..We see him in our house regularly and he tends to linger by the washroom area. They say this spirit usually lives on undecided or unclaimed land that something big had occured. In this case, our land was previously a hospital and jail in world war times and many people died here. It then became a can field with concrete structures still existing underneath our houses in our street. Things also used to hold me down at night around 3am-4am and i could not move although i am fully awake. After say my prayers and i can move is like i was dreaming from a deep sleep. Happened for years until i got my cat. I am not lying things used to real bother me and until she started sleeping with me in my room , things changed. Now i know when things are lurking around. She stands up with her back poised and hiss. I also know when she sees something i cannot. Now two years i am mostly comfortable and have 2 cats sleeping on either side of me . They are my protectors yes!

I heard the same thing about the land. Someone told me, that the 'master of the land' had left, and that the house was attracting unwanted guests...It's also a common mistake that black cats were a bad omen and that it's bad luck if a black cat crosses your path. This could not be further from the truth, in actuality, it's very good to keep cats around, black cats are able to sense evil spirits. If a black cat crosses your path, it's more of a warning that evil is nearby. Witches were also associated with black cats for this same reason, the cats warned them of danger....
Lol. Sorry eh folks bu5t hard to believe.

I know it is, but trust me bro, it's very real. You won't believe the stuff I've seen. And the funny thing is, people around you may have as well, just probably in denial, believing there's just some scientific explanation...

A friend of mine, got married some years ago, his in-laws were not happy at all, one day, his mother-in-law asked him to carry her to run an errand. This was the first time, she had ever done so. He said that they drove for miles, deep into Eccelsville in Rio Claro. She asked him to stop and wait for her as she went to meet some people residing in a little shack, deep in the bushes.
He said three Shouter Baptiste women came out to meet her, and after talking for some time, she signaled for him to come. He went, but as he approached, the women nodded and told him to go back to the vehicle, they had obviously just wanted to see him. A couple weeks later, coming from work, his car shut down on the highway. While under the hood, a car slammed into the back of his van, which then hit him, sending him tumbling through the bushes on the side of the road. He said that when he woke up, he could see the flashing lights of an ambulance and police.....However, when he looked next to him, he saw a dark, little man. who said....Don't worry, now is not your time, then lifted him up, carried him to the roadside (FYI The police didn't look for him) He then went an sat on a car watching him. When the paramedics came, they little guy was gone....When my friend asked where he was, the medic told him that he had walked up there himself....The strange part? Both his legs were broken, his ribs and an arm and it would've been impossible for him to walk there himself.....