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Jun 9, 2008
Do you find that some nurses are harsh to patients? Well my grandma in the hospital doing a surgery for her heart..anyways she was admitted to the adult ward where all the heart patients were..before her surgery she was reall frighten and nervous..a nurse barged in her room and quarelling with her saying how she can die or she can live and where they have to inject here and how she want to lift up children she cannot and stuff like that..I really doh kno abt the children part but what is the role of nurses today..they nurse know my grandma was frighten and if she keep worrying her pressure wud go up and they will get problems to do the surgery but she came in an verbally abused my grandma making her feel more frighten..wdmc
Ariyah sorry to hear that i was a nurse a few months ago and i could say is not all nurses are like that some are real pigs but their is a information and a report boot i don't know the real name they does call it but their should be a place in the hospital where you can report those things. you guys should do so
we cousin and i wrote a very disturbing letter in the suggestion box hehe
I hate some huggish nurses..gosh especially when they bringing your food and telling you all kinda things
I once worked with nurses in a clinic and they were so nice.... I guess you meet different people at different times.... I think the Ministry of Health should include GOOD PERSONALITY when they recuriting nurses...
Yeah a few nurses are kind and considerate but i'm afraid of the majority out there lol. Some trini nurses just in it for the paycheck i think the cubans would have a better work ethic or actually care.
i woodve went up in deer an cursed her out tellin her bout her kids and how she pick dem up!!!! but seriously i hate ppl lik dat, its not only nurses, its secretaries, operators, basically most people who really dont kare bout u, wen im in a good mood and im bein polite 2 ppl and dey reaction is not wat i expected i get angry!!!! dat nurse lucky i wasnt her patient i wooda picked up a cane an beat her a**!!!
yuh know if you show anger, they will become more hostile....and is the service yuh want!!!!!
hmm i think resha they should include Good Communication Skillz in their resume
for real..... The job spec. of a nurse mit be a little over the board but it all depends on the individual and how they handle situations... Some of them let the personal life affect there job life...Thats y they can be sooooo anger....
So my little cousin went to the New Chaguanas Hospital for the Cold that is going around and its the first time he ever going into any hospital and he was frighten. He came home and told me that the nurse he got was so hoggish that when she go to gave him the injection he was frighten and was asking her some questions about it and she never answer him and just told me "Yuh better stay quiet or the needle would break in you." So thats what you go tell a little child or gosh have a little compassion nah like she forget when she was a child too how big an injection was for you. And she told him that and made him even more frighten. I understand that they have so much of things to do but if they could take just a minute of their day to be a little nice to someone good things might actually happen to them
Nurses are being scorned for being late with medicines..yet dey are holding their bladder coz dey doh have time to use the toilet...starving coz they missed lunch...being peed on...puked on...bled on...beat up on...YELLED AT & are missing their family while taking care of yours..dey may even be crying for you...In the min you read this...nurses all over the world are saving lives..we should luv our nurses...or appreciate a nurse/nursing assistant/caregiver!!!
dat i so true.. every story have two sides...
i agree it have some HOGGISH nurses out there but at the same time it have some wonderful ones who take the time to make u comfortable.
i remember once i had to get drips and the nurse and doctor looked for the smallest needle (I real thin) before they could give me d drips.
i think it have plenty to do with how you treat them. if a patient behavin like an a** then treat him d d same
the only thing i dont agree to is why they take their problems to the job. that is the reason some nurses jus snap at you
GOVERNMENT is moving to remove a practical testing element for nurses to qualify in a bid to fill over 3,000 vacancies in the health sector...This from Health Minister Dr Fuad Khan yesterday who said the examination overseen by the Nursing Council of Trinidad and Tobago will no longer be necessary for nurses to begin practising at the nation's hospitals once the amendments to the Nursing and Midwives Act are passed in Parliament.
He said that nurses who fail the exam on three consecutive occasions are permanently disqualified from practising.
Khan said nursing graduates were already holding nursing certificate or Bachelor's degree from a training institution yet the present law mandated that they still sit an examination imposed by the Nursing Council in order to be become registered nurses and practise their profession.
"The removal of this examination will bring the registration and licensing of our nurses in line with other such noble professionals. Our nurses who are trained in Trinidad and Tobago will have automatic registration to practice within Trinidad and Tobago, and those who wish to practice abroad can sit any relevant registration exam to practice in that territory," he said.
"This among other factors has impacted negatively on the Ministry's manpower planning, as there continues to be a serious shortfall in nursing personnel. In order to address this problem and to ensure there is continuous improvement within the health sector, the Ministry is exploring various initiatives," he said.

Khan said while the Ministry has increased its training programmes and now enrolls 300 nursing students, there continues to be a "severe shortage of nurses within our local health system".

Khan said five amendments to the Nurses and Midwives Act, already approved by Cabinet, will also reduce the current size of the Nursing Council...He said the Nurses and Midwives Act currently stipulates that the Nursing Council consists of 22 people, but he thought that was too large and suggested that it be reduced to 13 people comprising elected, non-elected members and lay people...To further streamline the training processes, Khan said the Government recently agreed to move all nursing training programmes from the Ministry of Health to the Ministry of Tertiary Education and Skills Training...A representative of the Nurses Council yesterday said the body will be sending out a media release today, but would not speak on the issue until then...Valerie Alleyne-Rawlins, president of the T&T Registered Nurses Association yesterday said the licensing exam determined the graduates "fitness" to practice as a nurse. She said she was unaware of the amendments and would only comment when she got more information from the Ministry of Health.
the Health Minister Dr. Fuad Khan plans to remove the licensing examination requirement for nursing students who graduate from training programmes accredited by the Nursing Council. He is also refuting claims that legislation he plans to bring to Parliament in September will reduce salaries and allowances for nurses and midwives.
alot of people are complaining by this... hmmm but i see that ytepp is now offering nursing which is really great !
LadyDeathDemon said:
alot of people are complaining by this... hmmm but i see that ytepp is now offering nursing which is really great !

Ladydeath i seein uwi offering it too its a BSc . which is reaallll good