Number 1 ass in T&T

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
I have seen alot of stupid things in my life but this dude took it, i got this email from someone and i would like to share it would you this is illegal in the pictures what the big cuny hole is doing, it upsets me so much to know that people are so stupid and i hope legal action would be taken for this
ok i seein it now..look at d poor turtle how they are doing bad thing to it while it laying eggs..this is really sad yes
It looks like it have a bunch of ass-es in the pic because i believe that everyone their came from a maxi and they would not even say something to stop him, they were also talking out pics of the big homo to see how he looking in the last pic like a big monkey
No 1 ass In TnT

I now seein the pics too. Admin put it right. I REALLY want them to get charge. Big man like that cant follow the law. I went turtle watching and even the little children understand not to harass the turtles. It hard enough for them to find their way with all the artifical lights and building on the coastline and they flashing camera in the thing eye. The trance the turtle does go into doesn't last very long.. only as long as it layin. I sure the turtle was aware of was going on.
that man is not no ass he is are RETARDed ass lol, the cda men should see him and look him up :Throw:
Doh Worry people wat he do they huh....He go pay for it in time to come!!!! that is abuse to the fullest!!
omg he is a big ass
lol i went to watch the turtles and the only thing i did
was run people when me and the bf got cold heheheh
the man is more than an ass an for those people who just stand up and watch. you all are really a bunch of peons.
Its really sad to know that this kinda of things are happening i really believe that the police should be involved in this and some body should UREPORT this to TV6 or something, Poor creature coming just to lay her eggs and so big ape riding its back.
wow how much more retarded can people get!!! damn this is an outrage!!!! this is why the police should be on these tours!!! u can't turn these pics in to the police?? hot damn, i know i would!!! it's a shame like this man really don't got no common sense, AND not to mention he smiling in d damn pictures!!!!!
You should forward this to the press. Tv6 ureport or the papers and let them exposed this fool. He should be charged.steups!
This was in news as well as the newspapers...... Don,t know if any action would take place with the guy.... But that guy should be ashamed of himself acting like little children....Normally there's people who suppose to be monintoring the turtle but i guess they were no where around... Some of these turtles were sited as far as Afirica..It was tagged from T&T last year....People from other countries visit T&T jus to see these turtle and now to see how T&T people treat them is real shame
yea i read that they go all over the world and they always come home to lay eggs, and look at this retarded fool i say we get some big ole sumo wrestler 2 sit on him like that!!! then we should beat his as$ with a bat!!!
you know turtles are really outstanding creatures and we are half as what they are today...look at the pressure they have to bear with their heavy back especially when they are pregnant and have to carry that all the way to make their children and someone sitting untop of them while they are going into labour or being exhausted from giving birth...gosh
Yup they made a long journey just to reach IN Trinidad & Tobago and the way they are getting treated they will leave, remember animals adapt to its environment and if this kinda of behavior is happening to them they will adjust and look else where because they don't want nothing to affect their eggs
yupp thats why they started showing up in Las Cuevas and Manzan
Last night TV 6 news highlighted another teen boy standing on top of a leather back turtle....Sorry i don't have apicture to share...But it came across facebook.... How much embarssment do these people need?
They need some fines and jail time. Thats exactly what they need. Publicising the crime without getting retribution for the turtle is almost like glorifying it. They should drop a 7 foot iron turtle on them and laugh.
Why didn't anyone stop this retarded fool from being so cruel to the poor turtle ? I would have kicked his sorry ass off the turtle.