No Chutney For NAPA

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Jan 29, 2010
Via: Trinidad Newsday

"CULTURE Minister Marlene Mc Donald blanked a proposal for the hosting of the World Chutney Soca Monarch at the National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA) in Port-of- Spain because the facility was – in her view – not built for “those kinds of things”, according to president of the National Chutney Foundation, Vijay Ramlal."

The article goes on to talk about how Ravi B, reigning Chutney Soca Monarch is currently being used in an ad campaign for NAPA in which he says many Indian cultural events can take place there. He also appears on voiceover in another ad, this time on television for NAPA, which shows Indian dancers in front of NAPA.

Now I'm interested in hearing what you guys think, because I don't side with the National Chutney Foundation on this one. I am not a fan of chutney music or what is has become in the last few years. Anything that promotes alcoholism and fuels such rampant unhealthy stereotypes of East Indians as "rum til I die" is not welcome by me. I've always understood the idea of NAPA as a place being built to honour stage productions and those trained in the PERFORMING ARTS, like acting, singing, dancing. Not jump and wine and raise your bottle.

What I'm more interested in is hearing from Ravi B, who has lent his image extensively to a place that totally rejects what he is all about - what he does and who he is.

What do you guys think?

Just to clarify, I agree with the idea of NAPA, not what NAPA has turned out to be - an overly expensive, poorly constructed, unfeasible copycat.
lol it getting worserer and worsererer. Chutney doesn't have to be a fete like thing, it's an art form just like everything else not mere entertainment ( i actually find it's more theatrical than our other genres). Once people keep the place clean and don't break stuff I don't see the big deal.
lets see if they equally blank, soca, reggae, rapso, and local rock.. :rolleyes: like they saying our people only know how to misbehave :rolleyes: we could sit and listen. :clap:
Calypso does make yuh move too yuh kno lol.
Chutney is an art form? Where's the art? 99% of chutney songs are about horning and drinking til you get stupid. "Rum til I die", "You know I was a drinka", "rum is meh lover". When have you ever seen people enjoying chutney in a non-fete environment. The same goes for soca. I'm not saying it's not entertainment, but it shouldn't be in NAPA. At least calypso offers some social commentary, some political chiding, what does chutney contribute?
TFM said:
Chutney is an art form? Where's the art? 99% of chutney songs are about horning and drinking til you get stupid. "Rum til I die", "You know I was a drinka", "rum is meh lover". When have you ever seen people enjoying chutney in a non-fete environment. The same goes for soca. I'm not saying it's not entertainment, but it shouldn't be in NAPA. At least calypso offers some social commentary, some political chiding, what does chutney contribute?

I got ahead of myself it should be, but the way its presented is too flashy and raucous. I see it this way, any form of entertainment that stems from culture is an art form, it's only when it's marketable then it's cheapened and made vulgar. The entertainment industry does not care about the art itself but only how profit can be made. I'm sure more sensible chutney is possible but it's just not commercially viable, we only think of chutney in terms of entertainment instead of cultural music, strip away the glamor and flash and up they quality and it would regain a deeper significance.
It happens with all kinds of music, people like genres because of the unique aesthetics but for the masses it's marketed solely to make money, things change too much of the original thing, all popular music sounds generic regardless of the original genre, they focus on what sells not what makes it that particular brand. I doubt chutney would be what we call "chutney" today if it wasn't so commercialized. They 're just applying the style to themes and topics that sell, but this watered down style is barely a third of the package.
Artistic music just wont sell, it dies because of our narrow need for fete like music. This carbon copy may be all thats left of chutney but i believe it originally was an art or was prevented from developing into a true art form.
While i can see you point RauCous, i have to side with TFm on this one. The fact the art in the music has been so diluted, what remains is just the drive for commercialism. Therefore it DOES not belong in the NAPA. The same goes for all other genres too. NAPA is NOT for fetes. Chutney Mornach, like its cousin Soca Mornarch are fetes. Plain and simple.
Damn RauCous, your second post hit the nail on the head. That is exactly what I meant and how I feel and I agree with that post 100%. Present chutney is not art, but it is what the public wants. It is successful because it is the culture we have created. It is sad but true but most of all, that chutney does not belong in NAPA. Of course, Mungal Patessar will be welcome at NAPA, but Ravi B not so much.

@Wispa: That's right. Chutney and Soca monarchs are fetes. They are like that for a reason. I have no idea why the organizers would try to move it to such a uncharacteristic venue for that type of event.
I know why they want to be cool!
I don't honestly believe they can justify bringing fete activities to a performing arts stage, there is performing but it seems we agree the art part is missing...
Why would they ask if even we know what the center is for...
I think that's the question then, why would you want to bring that fete to NAPA? Can NAPA even seat the amount of patrons that go to that fete?
I knew that this would've deteriorated to an issue of race.... That's why the president of the Chutney body is saying. They can't see that, they can't hold a fete in NAPA. they see it as discrimination... typical!!!
Exactly. Everyone's always quick to pull the race card, because it gets people's attention and gets them riled up. But reasonable minded people can see that there are places where these fetes can and can not be held. The President of the National Chutney Foundation is just embarrassed and lashing out, albeit immaturely.

Holding the Chutney Monarch in NAPA will likely alienate 90% of its intended patrons, so if their motives are to lose money and be unprofitable, then I say go ahead NCF.
r u aware of classical chutney singin in d divali nagar site, dey dont have any alcohol, meat etc an it's been patronized by many coz it's an ART in local indian music!!! is this DAT KINDA TING....if ah opera group wants to host ah show dere will dey b able to???? r bolywood stars, Leri Joseph an other comedians welcome dere??? ppl wit money eg business men wats to sit in comfort an enjoy ah programme, places like center of excellence don't have ah proper a/c, i say give d rich ppl dere money's worth any way ah feel alyuh mite not understan wat ah sayin nah!!! next post den
Yes madsuya I am aware. Hence I said Mungal Patessar would be welcomed at NAPA, but Ravi B wouldn't. See my previous posts. The discussion doesn't focus on all of chutney, but we're singling out the fact that the NCF wants to host Chutney Soca Monarch at NAPA, which is obviously not classical chutney.
Hmmm...need to read that article. Want to see what Ravi B had to say!,117849.html
Was Wednesday actually..

‘Take me off NAPA ad’
By Darcel Choy Wednesday, March 24 2010

Chutney champion: Chutney Soca Monarch Ravi B celebrates after winning the crown on January 31 at Skinner Park, San Fernando....
Reigning Chutney Soca Monarch Ravi B is demanding his image be removed from the National Academy for Performing Arts (NAPA) television advertisements that have been airing recently.

The ads feature Ravi “Ravi B” Bissembhar and other artistes including soca star Iwer George, and calypsonians Ann Marie “Twiggy” Parks-Cudjoe and Winston “the Original DeFosto Himself” Scarborough.

Bissembhar insisted he never gave the Ministry of Culture permission to use his image for that purpose after a tour of NAPA late last year.

“The ministry invited me and fellow artistes to tour the NAPA facility and while there, they asked us to comment on camera on what we thought about the place. I then said that it was spectacular because a lot of Indian cultural shows can take place there but what they did is take clippings from that to make this ad and I never gave them that permission. I never signed any endorsements,” he explained.

He noted that he first saw the ad on Monday night after he received several calls and threats from people who felt let down by his involvement in it. Bissembhar expressed concern that this could affect his career as many fans have expressed their disappointment in him.

“My East Indian following is going against me. They feel that my involvement in this offends them. This could affect me next year with Chutney Soca Monarch, this could affect voting. I just want my fans to know that I am for the people. I do not want to be involved in this whole political issue,” he said.

He explained that persons were upset after president of the National Chutney Foundation Vijay Ramlal said that when approached to host the World Chutney Soca Monarch at NAPA, Culture Minister Marlene McDonald said the facility was not built for “those kinds of things”. However, Bissembhar said Ramlal’s statements were misleading and that his band Karma intends to have a meeting with the Culture Ministry to stage a Bollywood and chutney concert at the facility.

“I want my fans to have no fear. Ravi B will take chutney to NAPA,” he said.

Meanwhile, Twiggy, when contacted said she would rather not comment on the issue, while George and DeFosto did not answer their mobile phones.
doh worry bout chutney in NAPA na coz yuh can't palance an wine dong to d ground dere, leave d chutney for d parks....but it hosting all d other indian concerts, an dats just gr8!!!
NAPA have everyting but chutney but its okay....there is more like for arts like plays and artistic literature stuff
KITCHENER TO B HONOURED: The public auditorium of the National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA) will be renamed in honour of the late calypsonian Lord Kitchener...Arts and Multiculturalism Minister Winston "Gypsy" Peters said, "Renaming the auditorium in honour of Lord Kitchener is a fitting tribute to a great calypsonian and entertainer, who was instrumental in putting calypso on the world map when he migrated to the United Kingdom, and who created some of the best-known and loved music for the pan in the country." Kitchener died at the age of 78 and had a career in the calypso arena