Nissan Sylphy Dash Problems

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Jun 9, 2008
Apparently the Nissan Bluebird Sylphy has a manufacturer's defect where the the dash is prone to Sun damage. Bubbles apparently begin to form on the dash until that problem gets ugly. Sometimes if the front winshield is tinted dark, the dash might fade and turn a different colour. Take a look at some of the pictures . Has anyone seen this personally before?


i have seen the bumps before it gets real ugly......the second pic you posted is still good...the one i saw was rough like trinidad roads i felt the pain for the owner to sit in his car and watch that evveryday
Heard about this problem on the Sylphy. Prevented my dad from buying one previously.
Unipet has fleet vehicles like these and if you see the conditions of the dash, horrible! I heard that there is a man in south that does them over very pricey but worth it .

I wonder if the Teana has this same problem too?
Don't think the Teana has this problem. I've seen a lot of them both new and used and never noticed this gross obxnoxious thing staring at the occupants...

Nissan usually always has problems with the dash. From cracking to bubbling.
Don't think the Teana has this problem. I've seen a lot of them both new and used and never noticed this gross obxnoxious thing staring at the occupants...

Nissan usually always has problems with the dash. From cracking to bubbling.

No the teana dont have this problems only the sylphy did
Yup our previous Navara had a slightly small crack about 2 inches on the dash wood grain finish. Imagine the interior is neat and in excellent condition after 3 years and just the dash crack by the sun.

Alot of people wanted compensation for the dash in the vehicles or even a recall but Nissan just dismissed the idea.I think they need to get a better quality material to make the dash from or even a coating to put over it . But seeing as this was the older versions, they may already have improved it
hmmm thats a feel sick but i think its the climate that we have here that affects it some countries didnt have that problem/ rumors say that it was only a certain batch that had the problem
From ever since I can remember they always had problems like these and unfortunately, its very hard to deal with a cracked dash in an optimal condition 3 year old Navara.

My parents had an A33 Singapore Cefiro, Nissan did something really foolish and designed the pocket in the middle top of the dash with a very hard spring pressing against the outer plastic. The Excimo was a little different but still had the same problem. It cracked in two pieces on the piece closest to the windshield and my dad put a few screws in it and filled it then painted it over. Thats absurd.
Car was like new inside and out, used to shine more than new cars but then you lay your eyes on that...
the xtrails never had these problems....and i guess it depends on the type of material UV block your whole front glass when you buying cars now i guess
Seems like its worth a shot but Nissan really needs to get their act together. I wonder if any of the new vehicles in the line up suffering with this problem?

Saw my friend's Tiida dash also has a 3" long crack right in the center of the dash. Sun damage.
the only vehicle i can personally vouch for is the xtrail lol the others not and i have seen the qashqui ones look normal and 2 years have passed on it has improved
2 years is no kind of time. 2 years is brand new, roll out d showroom lol. When it gets to 7-10 years then I want to see the dash lol.
That Nissan Sylphy dash when it gets to that condition is extremely unsightly. That problem has been fixed though. If you bought one recently or plan on buying one, have no fear. The dash will get bubbles.
With that said, it is a good practice to use UV protectant dash conditioners and windshield screens.
2 years is no kind of time. 2 years is brand new, roll out d showroom lol. When it gets to 7-10 years then I want to see the dash lol.

2yrs was alot compared to when the slphy bad batch started showing bubbles lol but what brotherhood said is the way to go with new cars being released from all manufacturers
In light of what he said, what's a good UV protection product for dashboard plastic?
Dash protectants come down to preference really I guess. Personally I have used the good ole Amoral, Turtlewax and Mothers.
Other than tint and products i think a good ole parking sun screen for the windshield would do the trick too