New Year Resolution?

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Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
So every year we make new year resolutions ~ what are yours for 2015?

My new year resolutions are-

1. To sell my car
2. To buy a new car
3. Save money
4. Travel to US & Caribbean Islands
5. To start eating more healthy and exercise
6. To start literally building a future for my fiance & i
7. To go out and LIVE! Explore and don't stay home bored
8. To think positive and always be happy
Those are good! I need to save money, travel and be more positive too. I don't really make resolutions for the new years (but I should!) I just promise myself I'll do things and forget about them lol Hopefully making some resolutions for the new year will make me stay on track better!

1. To start exercising or at least walking outdoors for 30 minutes a day.
2. Re-visit hiking and camping.
3. Start studying for a degree.
4. Buy new boots.
5. Laptop & phone for me, ipad & apptivity case for my son.
6. Re-visit volunteering.
7. Give more.
8. Do at least ONE walkathon.
9. Do at least one thing that absolutely terrifies me.
10. Publish something.
11. Re-visit meditation.
12. Make myself a priority.
13. Raise more awareness for pivotal issues.
14. Identify toxic people and habits and replace them with positive, healthy ones.
15. Eat fruits and vegetables daily.
16. Get over sugar addiction.
17. Re-visit foreign languages.
18. Get over food addiction and dependency.
19. Find an unarguably perfectly happy moment.
20. Stop using obscenities/cursing.
My new years resolution is

5120x2880 xD Lmao hahaha
My new years resolution is

5120x2880 xD Lmao hahaha

LMAO! I wonder how much that would cost?

My News Years Resolution is to completely finish renovating my home, start my business, and be able to give my family everything they want!
my new years resolution IS TO LOSE WEIGHT no if and or butts about it i am going to be on a full diet
ammmmmmmmmmm what is thattttttttttt
Hahahaha that's the resolution of a 5K screen , most vivid display in the world.
my new years resolution IS TO LOSE WEIGHT no if and or butts about it i am going to be on a full diet
This was my new years resolution some years ago......I finally got around to it this year Lmao lost some weight, not much , but it still counts

I guess my new years resolution would be along the same lines as Sonygoup

Push more work in school and lessons try to get things done much more efficiently as well as to improve my grades.
My resolution is to come out of a lazy spell and actually put my 100% into things once more.
I never really made a new year resolution. However, for 2015 I will be aiming and sticking to:

1) Saving some money.
2) Completing my vehicle customization then sell before 2015 is over.
3) Being a better boyfriend to my girlfriend.
4) Exercise more.
Kool steven..atleast health is on the agenda for most of us next year.
Most of the resolutions I made for this year did not happen or I did not take it very serious . Hopefully 2015 is a better year for resolutions for me.

1. Be a better boyfriend to my girlfriend.
2. Be more focus on my health and diet.
3. Be more focus on Trinimotors.
4. Help those who are less fortunate that me.
5. Drink a lot less and gamble less or try and stop.

will update this when I get more time.
I think sometimes when you try to dive right in to a big plan that that eventually distractions happen or you get fed up/lose motivation. I think it's supposed to take 21 days of doing something for it to become a habit, but random events in daily life can also play a pivotal part of interference. I guess some planning has to play a part with each resolution too. Maybe we can all motivate and support each other with some of these resolutions!