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Staff member
Jun 9, 2008

NASA announced a spacecraft that purposely slammed into the moon has turned up evidence of water.

NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite probe discovered beds of water ice at the lunar south pole when it impacted the moon last month.

The LCROSS probe impacted the lunar south pole at a crater called Cabeus on Oct. 9. The $79 million spacecraft, preceded by its Centaur rocket stage, hit the lunar surface in an effort to create a debris plume that could be analyzed by scientists for signs of water ice.
Similar to what was planned with mars. Crashing into the surface of a planet to collect samples. You dont need a manned craft to collect samples. Smart. Crashing is a bad word in rocket science except when it's planned. lol.
I know its so kool. Moon has water !!! Just no vegetation to live :(
lol it has almost no atmosphere either only a of feet thick. And the composition of moon soil would be different to that of earth. But terraforming the moon is already on the minds of alot of earthlings. lol.
yep lol. ..... i wish i coudda live on the moon... then basins look creppy like little choco chip on it lol
Terraforming if it as at all possible, would probably take centuries to produce anything relatively close to a life-sustaining atmosphere. To actually change the Moon's atmosphere to be able to support life is not gonna happen in this generation of human beings. To pull something off as complex as that on such a massive scale with our present capability is impossible. Till then, well have to settle for Hollywood taking us there.