My New Puppy

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i know eh.....All dogs are sweet..ever see one puppy and they not sweet...its a diss to God saying that something he has created is ugly...never say that cuz then you are ugly too
hmmm so if that what you saying love i feel hurt lol, anyways i just don't like those kind of dogs made for pure rage, they can turn on their master's anytime with out anyone knowing
"Wow...... talk about puppy love"........
lol yes...i find that puppy is reall cutee and nice seeing that he lives right next to me and i see him everyday
Awww Jasper is sexi. Karina you really are blessed with this kind of dog they really love you
see i agree with vickie and wolverine, admin dont kno what he talkin about!! lol
admin said:
Next thing you now when i start coming home by she, she train the dog to attack me yes lol

This is exactly what im gonna do
Hmm for a minute there I thought he really was a pitbull, until I read the whole post. He probably get rel big now. I have a two year old cocker spaniel and she's cute too bad.

This is how big he get so imagine if anyone do me something their head will end up in that huge mouth
My stray-way dog call BULB taken he down :haha:
But under all seriousness i really like dog's. I hope your dog gets big and strong
hmm..i don't think the dog is ugly at all.. I've seen some ugly dogs in my time. Compared to those, jasper is Robert Patterson. (just mentioned him for the ladies)lol.
Hmmm I gonna brace for the influx of Twilighters..."he doh look like a dog! cry cry" Lol.
Andre don't be serious...Jasper is a fighter don't get all soft because he belongs to a girl trust me he have enough experience fighting with my other pink nose blue-eyed pitbull
That's good that you know how to handle him. I know some girls who like big dogs, and when they get older they don't like to go near them or take care of them.
Nah my passion are caring for dogs...i got that from my dad ...i had like 6 so far in my life and all does get good treatment and unconditional love from me ...but its like i never had a pitbull before and that was alot of training so it really helped me train jasper my mastiff..These dogs were a miracle to me because jasper from his pervious owner was abused and well my pit jake had 2 diseases plus he nearly died 2 months aback and they both came through.. :)
My dog is pot hung mix with mungrel an he name is BULB. Yuh know why ah give him that name...I saw him actually eating one. :Confused:

So I sure my dog with d belly of steel could take your dog :Throw:
With years of expirence in chasing lizards and taking ppl shoe :super:
All the odds are stacked up against u
Hahahahahah with years of experience of killing chickens and fighting other dogs pitbulls does take them down by the neck so belly ah steel eh nuttin compared to that
Hmm, first time I hear about a dog eating a bulb...that must've been some kinda aftermath. My neighbour's dog eats coconuts husks and all.
Lolz i give them coconuts to bite open..... its better than stones they use to sharpen their teeth
Hmmm...let me make a reminder never to come by your house lol before they sharpen their teeth on my leg.