Msj: T&t Don’t Need A Rambo Top Cop

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The country does not need a Rambo as a Commissioner of Police (COP) says Movement for Social Justice (MSJ) leader David Abdulah who warned COP designate Gary Griffith of impending failure if he does not change his approach.

“This long time badjohn approach is not going to solve crime and is simply going to exasperate the lack of trust and confidence between communities and the TTPS which will weaken the police’s capacity to deal with crime,” warned Abdulah.

Speaking at a press conference at MSJ’s San Fernando’s headquarters yesterday, he alluded to statements by Griffith about crushing criminals like cockroaches and that criminals should fear Gary.

“These statements are quite apart from being unnecessary, inappropriate and perhaps indicate a state of his thinking which will not bode well for his tenure as Commissioner of Police.”

He said Griffith must understand that it is not a political position and he cannot “run his mouth” how he wants too.

He added, “This is not about Gary Griffith the individual, this is not about having Rambo as Commissioner of Police, this is about having someone who can work with the police officers provide serious leadership and management of the TTPS, including matters of discipline.”

However, he said as Commissioner, Griffith will have to first seek to get the confidence of the officers and the people. “He needs to be far more humble and recognise that it is only a person who listens and work with people that is a good leader. Persons who come in like in a bull in a China shop thinking they have all the answers and can do everything to deal with crime are bound to fail.”

He recalled that under Griffith’s tenure as National Security Minister in 2014, MSJ had linked the frequent police killings to statements by Griffith “almost giving them (police) a license to kill” and that had created a tremendous amount of discontent in many communities and impacted negatively on the trust between communities and the TTPS