Movie: The Lovely Bones.

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Sep 12, 2008
Hey spicians, I recently watched a movie called the The Lovely Bones. Its a fantasy/Drama/Thriller directed by Lord of the Rings director, Peter Jackson. It's about a 14yr old girl who is murdered, and she watches from Heaven as her family bears with her lost. She also contemplates exacting revenge on her murderer. Its a really good movie that was adapted from the New York Bestseller book by the same name. Give it a watch. here the link to see it.
Shame on you wispa lol piracy. Jus kiddin. I know about the book but only cared about the movie because of the director.. it's not in any genre i feel comfortable watching but who knows maybe i'll get curious lol.
Dude Its the same thing i was thinking so far what really interest me was the fact the movie was directed by Lord of the Rings director. So it much be a good movie i will say its one one the main reasons i watch certain types of movie according to the director
It is a good movie i saw some parts when they were filming it..its really good you all props to the movie
RauCous said:
Shame on you wispa lol piracy. Jus kiddin. I know about the book but only cared about the movie because of the director.. it's not in any genre i feel comfortable watching but who knows maybe i'll get curious lol.
I couldn't resist the temptation...I really liked the movie. I just had to
Nah OP, I have to disagree. First Peter Jackson film I didn't like.

I know he's basing it off source material but this is one of the rare occasions when a director should exert his creative license and make some story changes. Way too self-indulgent with his trademark metaphorical imagery and not enough emotion. He totally failed to capture what a family goes through after the loss of a loved one. Seemed misguided to me.

Saw it with five people and they all HATED it. Like a strong hate, mostly due to the ending. But as an aspiring critic, I will say I was angrily disenchanted. Too bad The Hobbit was pushed back a year til 2012, we will have to wait that much longer for PJ to redeem himself.
I actually almost read the book in a public library a couple years ago... it was already well known. i thought it was a girly book.. i mean it is... right ? Maybe they chose him because they thought he was a good literature to film director? :Confused:
He is a good director, but I'm tempted to say he's more suited to epic tales. TLB was too grounded for him to succeed with big theatrics but he does know how to define characters, even inanimate ones (think King Kong) so I'm surprised that he really missed the mark here.