Most interesting book(s) you read?

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death365 said:
RauCous said:
death365 said:
a breif history of time - stephen hawkins
yeah i stated this book but never finished..steups, the way physicists see time is sooo coool! and Hawkins put it so simply.. i.. have to finish it.

i read it 3 times to finally get it @ 100 % ... freaky stuff

ok so what is about like the whole main idea of it? sounds cool i might just look it up
A Brief History of Time attempts to explain a range of subjects in cosmology, including the Big Bang, black holes, light cones and superstring theory, to the nonspecialist reader. Its main goal is to give an overview of the subject but, unusual for a popular science book, it also attempts to explain some complex mathematics. The author notes that an editor warned him that for every equation in the book the readership would be halved, hence it includes only a single equation: E = mc². In addition to Hawking's abstinence from equations, the book also simplifies matters by means of illustrations throughout the text, depicting complex models and diagrams.
Yeah thats what i like most about it the simplicity. Anyone can read it. I'd read it cuz i always liked physics stuff especially bout the nature of time.

this book is cool AND its free!!!
little brother Really neat tech stuff in it.
lots of diffeent formats, and its fast paced too, if you're into spyish/ surviellance /dystopic fiction then this book will be good. It its really plausible too. All the tech it features already exist.. I read it overnight, parts of it had me pacing.. geeking out couldn't sleep till i finished... :wink: good read!!!
nice for aspiring fiction writers and tech wannabes like me.
Dark Magic Is a Carpithian Novel written by Christine Feehan there are 21 i think volumes to this book

The book has more than 6 sexual scenes of biting and sucking blood from lifemates for lust and pleasure and has an undesirable feeling that would leave u wanting for more

Gregori, often called The Dark One, knows he’s very close to turning. He has always known that a child of Mikhail will be his lifemate, so when Raven, Mikhail's lifemate, is attacked, he gives her his blood to build a bond between them. Raven is attacked again while she carries the baby, and Gregori gives blood to the fetus, even communicates with it, further sealing the bond between he and the child.

When Savannah comes of age, she refuses to mate with Gregori out of fear. Knowing he will dominate her life once he takes her, he gives her five years of freedom before he claims her. So Savannah goes to America and becomes an illusionist. But this promise costs him dearly. In case he turns vampire, he appeals to Aidan not to hunt him alone, but to get his brother Julian to join him. After Gregori said this he told Aidan that he would “go to ground” (When a Carpathian shuts down heart and lungs in order to sleep in soil).

The five year period has passed; Gregori has come to San Francisco, where Savannah has ended her tour to claim her. The bombardment of new emotions prevents him from detecting the presence of a vampire. Before he can stop it, the vampire kills Savannah’s friend Peter and attempts to claim her for himself. Gregori is forced to kill him in front of her. Savannah still refuses to bond with him; however Gregori informs her that there is no choice for either of them.

Knowing that she’s in shock and grief because of her friend, he takes her to his property to heal, intending to complete the mating ritual the next day. However, their closeness is too powerful to ignore and they begin to mate. Unfortunately, Gregori has waited to long and loses control and nearly kills Savannah. It is only her acceptance of him that pulls him back from the abyss.

Now Savannah and Gregori must learn how to live with and love another while staying one step ahead of the vampires and the human vampire hunting society who have targeted them.
This is a site with all free sci fi stories:
some of them is horror and fantasy and some just plain wrong and evil.
Project Gutenberg:
Loads of free books that run out of copywrite and now in the public domain. Alot of classic lit here.
Whole novels there. They have fiction and non fiction from.. forever. So its huge.
The Literature Page:
All our favorite stories, books and plays are here.
Stuff we've heard of but never read. All these books are in the public domain and are free to read. Easy to navigate.
OMG You know how long i looking for this thank u!

I reading Pride and Prejudice now i going good :)
I was trying to read it last night and I got further than I did when i first tried. The language too flowery lol. I have to read it while fully awake. My brain cant adjust to her style of writing lol. I like it and I want to finish it.
The movie is better and understandable and it gives the listener a truly strange feeling while watching it that makes them really interested . it was in the old time days so the girls were in long pretty dresses with corsand men corsets and women were in west coats and in big houses
right now I'm reading a book called "Marked" It's made for girls my age, 16, lol but it's about a 16 year old girl, who has been marked as a vampyre. I would love to give my interpretation of it but i"ll just put the description from on the back of the book lol

"a world very much like our own, except in 16-year-old Zoey Redbird's world, vampyres have always existed.In this first book in the series, Zoey enters the House of Night, a school where, after having undergone the Change, she will train to become an adult vampire--that is, if she makes it through the Change.Not all of those who are chosen do.It's tough to begin a new life, away from her parents and friends, and on top of that, Zoey finds she is no average fledgling.She has been Marked as special by the vampyre Goddess, Nyx.But she is not the only fledgling at the House of Night with special powers.When she discovers that the leader of the Dark Daughters, the school's most elite club, is misusing her Goddess-given gifts, Zoey must look deep within herself for the courage to embrace her destiny--with a little help from her new vampyre friends."
Well As the last book i read it was Dark Magic now i am reading DARK SYMPHONY Gosh is real romance right thru the book and gothic stuff.

A Little Info on it

"Byron was Carpathian, a species as old as time. He could shift shape and soar high, run with the wolves, hunt those who threatened the innocent. But he was also a gem finder, a sophisticated man of the arts, and in self-imposed exile from his people for endangering his Prince. He was not a natural hunter, but he forced himself to become one to atone for his mistakes. Byron believed that he would live the rest of his life alone, for, without his lifemate, it would be so easy to give into dark whispers of temptation.

Antonietta Scarletti played like an angel and was world-renowned for her beautiful compositions. She ran the powerful Scarletti empire and was the heart of the emotional Scarletti family. For those who knew her, it was easy to forget that she was blind, scarred in a terrible accident that claimed the lives of her parents when she was a young girl. Byron entered her life suddenly, saving her beloved grandfather from what surely would have been a fatal car accident. She would often sense Byron's silent presence in the room where she played music, beautiful and passionate music to call to him. Byron quickly became her secret obsession. Byron was determined to give her time to adjust to the idea of becoming Carpathian before he brought her over and had courted her in the way of humans for months, but when Antonietta was poisoned and kidnapped, Byron felt he had no choice but to claim her as his own...
"The Art Of War" by Sun Tzu.
If you have a business, team, or are engaged in anything involving people and competition, this book will indispensible. It was written hundreds of years ago by a very brilliant military strategist. And people still use it to this day. That should say something.
Thats the link to read the translation for free! I'm halfway through. :)

Yep i'm reading that book...You shud read it i love Vampire Diaries movie and books