
The Ministry of Social Development and Family Services has extended a helping hand to Naomi Marquis, who is five months pregnant and her husband Damian, who were forced to live in their car for six weeks after falling on hard times.
In a release issued yesterday, the ministry advised that contact was made to the Marquis family with a view of “providing psycho- social and other support services as deemed necessary.”
The Marquis’ plight was highlighted on Monday in the T&T Guardian, which resulted in an outpouring of support from the public and even police officers.
The couple, whose life began to go downhill after they lost their jobs in February, was stumbled upon by WPC Crystal Jumadeen, a Caroni-based community officer who sprung into action and located a rent-free apartment in Chaguanas owned by Wendy Brewster.
In the middle of cleaning the apartment and preparing to move in, Damian said they were visited by an official of the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services yesterday who offered them a $550 food card for one month.
“The ministry also offered to pay for an apartment, valued $2,500 a month, for the next six months,” Damian said. “We were not expecting the ministry to render assistance after so many people pitched in to help. This came as a shock to us,” he said.
Damian said when they looked at their options, they felt the ministry’s offer was a better choice, as they would have to give up the Chaguanas apartment by October 15, according to an agreement they had signed.
Having submitted an application to Habitat for Humanity, the couple is awaiting approval of $24,000 in building material from the organisation to construct their own home in Freeport.
The application can take a few weeks to a few months, Jumadeen said.
“If our application is not processed by October 15, we would have to vacate the Chaguanas apartment and move again which I want to avoid because by then Naomi would be eight months’ pregnant. So I decided to go with the six months offer instead. I want to thank Ms Brewster for opening up her doors to us.”
Jumadeen agreed with Damian’s move, stating it was the better option.
Yesterday, Naomi said they located two apartments at Cunupia and Chaguanas that looked promising.
“We just need to get a letter from the landlord stating that they will offer their place to us which we will take into the ministry for approval. This should take a few days.”
In the meantime, the couple said they will stay at a friend’s home until things are finalised.
Naomi said Damian was supposed to call Massy Stores yesterday to get more details about the job that was offered to him.
“A lot of the jobs offered to Damian were based in the deep south. He has expressed interest in working at Massy Stores. By tomorrow we would have more details.”
On Monday, Naomi had to be treated at the St Helena Health Centre after a breakout of eczema.
“I am on some medication.
Once the eczema clears up, I will call back my former employer about my casino job.”
Up to yesterday, the couple said help was still pouring in.
“We can’t stop thanking people for their generosity and kind hardheartedness,” Naomi said.