Mazda3 2008 rough idle start problem?

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
I own a Mazda3 2008 model, for the pass two months I've been getting some poor acceleration and rough idles when the engine is cold. I would like some more advice so i would not over spend on fixing things that are not broken. I heard people saying that changing the spark plugs can solve the rough idle at starts and servicing the fuel injectors can fix poor acceleration and manage problem. What can i do?
well for a start, the rough idle could be a problem of Air Flow, check your Air Flow sensor (maf) and see if it needs to be cleaned, also the throttle body could be cleaned as well, I recommend you go to a mechanic and ask the person to check the air flow sensors and the throttle body.
Oh yes that as well i had a felling it could be Air flow sensor, i will get that sorted out this week and post the results here. I wonder if i should change my sparks plugs to NGK (3811) ILTR5A-13G Laser Iridium Spark Plug i heard it gives more horse power to you engine. Thanks man for the info.
yea bro!! iridium plugs increase power!! should also look into a Cold Air Intake, that improves throttle response! there's many simple Upgrades to increase power

btw the NGK spark plugs are $65 each if I remember correctly, I priced them for my Engine so let me know how things turn out!
I had the same problem with my Audi, all I did was change the spark plugs and that solved the problem. rough idling could also be caused by faulty coil packs. You can check them as well.
Coil packs I will check that as well, current at the mechanic going to do an injector service, throttle body service and change of sparkplugs. Will tell you guys how it goes.
cool , getting in a full service, let us know how it pulls after! any idea if you going to install the cold air intake kit as yet?
Sorry for the late post was really busy today, so after the injector servicing, throttle service i decided to change the Sparkplugs as well. Well you know its a good thing i did because if you look at the state of the sparkplugs that were in my vehicle i was wtf man.

Hmmmm its still shocking anytime i look at that picture, all was bad but one was really bad, but now after some run with my vehicle it seems like the power problem was solved it was the sparkplugs. Thanks again everyone for their input and help.


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No more Rough Idle or cold start problems seems it was really the Spark plugs. Looking to change oil, Transmission Fluid and Coolant next week, really can't wait. Was thinking about doing it my self since i need to learn these basic things, maybe i will.
Great!! That's awesome man!

If anything and you need help you can always call me up!

If you're doing a full maintenance you can go ahead and try Nano-Energizer! That stuff will help prolong your engine's longevity and will help along with Gas mileage!

Is a small investment you would want to make!
I'm using that long time the Nano-Energizer, did not do much for the performance of my vehicle but heck its better to try it than try nothing at all.
Yea man i mean you're not gonna feel any gains of Hp on your car unless it's over 10% which is really hard to achieve, because a cold air intake only gives you about 2%, but yet every race car has it.

So take the initiative now for your car!

Never hurts to try it out!