Man stabbed to death and body mutilatied

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Active Member
Jun 9, 2008
I'm sure you guys heard it on the news already. The found this man dead from stab wounds and missing... part of his sexual anatomy. They say its some lovers spat gone horribly wrong. The tv news suggests that the man was bisexual.. or something. It makes sense.. there's no way for this man to be killed this way and his only "vice being drugs." The average thief/murderer just doesn't posthumously castrate thier victims.. the dont even do it when the victims alive. This stinks of personal motives and relations.
and here:
Trinidad have some serial killers and some plain ole psycho ones.. like stuff from criminal minds.
And deeper and deeper our nation continues to sink into the dismal abyss.
Mutilation of one's genitals generally suggest something personal. Oftentimes there is a sexual context to the crime. I am not saying anything here beyond what criminal justice research indicate. Sad case, though.
or maybe he had s-e-x with something that didn't "belong" to him :eek: if it was something like that and the killer had to resort to violence he should've just chop half of it off and just let him live in humility for the rest of his life. Anyway violence shouldn't even been his choice of retaliation in that case, hmm i don't know what this world coming to, i just want to cry :(
It could also be a case about he maybe forced hi self on someone and the person taking back revenge guess we will never know