Man Injects Wife With HIV

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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
As the story goes...i cannot believe a man this sick would do something like this. I know men would protect their wives and with something like this if i was him and i found out i had HIV (lord forbid) i wudda live separate from her...not give her it for the sake of SEX! wtf

A 35-year-old man from New Zealand admitted injecting his wife with the HIV virus, Sky news reports. The British news service cites court documents that "detailed how the man, 35, twice pricked his 33-year-old wife with a sewing needle laced with his infected blood."
A check up revealed the wife is infected with HIV.
As the ick factor and anger goes for most readers about now, more details from court documents reveal how the wife found out she had been injected.
Mom Logic reports, "In the documents, the wife described how, in May, 2008, she found a sting-like mark on her left thigh and two days later awoke to a stinging feeling in her leg."
She is now infected, as according to the article, "During a routine check-up four months later, doctors revealed she was HIV-positive."
Why did he do it? According to Fox News, the man "reportedly wanted to infect his wife with the disease so she would start having sex with him again, New Zealand's Sunday Star-Times said." She had stopped having sex with him once she found out he was HIV positive, the report notes.
omg this is madness is that all people does be thinking about these days "sex". Poor woman they should lock him up in prison but keep him separate from the others because he might want to spread the virus to the others their, people like this needs to be beaten badly.
Why is it that sex rules our lives is such a way to commit the worst of acts
I read this in the dailies today.. What he did is dispicable. That is considered a capital crime. That's manslaughter. he should be given the death penalty for that. Now she has to pay for his transgressions. He's lucky he's still alive. Some women would've poisoned his a$$ for doing something like that....Lord what is this world coming to?
he's very selfish, an he don t love her, we dont do dat to dose we love!!!
Love??? this is not love..Like madsuya said, he's very selfish. This is an obsession. This was a spiteful and ignorant. She discovered that he had AIDS and stopped having sex with him...what was she supposed to do..continue having sex with you? No. She didn't even divorced de man for being unfaithful..cause how it is he got the virus in the first place? So to be spiteful he injected the woman..twice..with his infected blood.. They should nail him to the cross. He's a disgusting individual.
they should hang him. Now she lives her life in dread and pain now from the virus. lord i hope this man gets what he deserves
this proves my theory i shared with a friend the other day that the world and the people by extension are getting sicker and sicker each day. A woman cant even walk the streets again without hearing baby baby BABYYYY how you moving so? and all these other chats that come with it. OMG
just put ur self in their shoes an see how it is and be honest!!!
coz Aids is everybody's business now, i see an individual wit aids everyday an its normal now
it was a funny feelin before but during my advance patients care course,
i had to take care of (PWA) person wit aids so i know how important feelings it at dis time!!!
AIDS is very common amongst us . Did you know 2 thirds of the population is infected with aids and proven to be true. We need to be very careful with people out there and you cannot trust how close they are because look how this man infect his wife a person he promised to love and cherish
admin said:
omg this is madness is that all people does be thinking about these days "s-e_x". Poor woman they should lock him up in prison but keep him separate from the others because he might want to spread the virus to the others their, people like this needs to be beaten badly.
Why is it that s-e_x rules our lives is such a way to commit the worst of acts

yeah dey should lock him up for real but not separate. in a cell with other hiv positive men. let dem bend dat and give him it hard every day and night for being a sick freak