Magnificent Sights

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Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
Yes i know there are several wonders in Trinidad And Tobago that are popular but personally what is your favourite sight that you love to see..where and which places or scenery do you like and you find should be popular.

To me i find the view from maracas lookout not the popular one where you are seeing the beach but the other one where the road bends and when you look out there you can see the two little islets..It's called Sau Eau or something like that and its a home for pelicans :)


I like another view in Blanchisseuse in the Asa Wright Centre where you can see the rest of the mountains and see the clouds right by u out on the lookout its so wonderful

Oh now u make me feel like you want to go there and i have never been there before its too far.

I like the view from the San Fernando hills there you can see the beautiful sight of the outline of venezuela and the industries that look like little play toys .

Well u must visit sita its quite marvellous. I like the view that you see when you are on the lady young lookout it's so beautiful at night and such a sight over port of spain

them trini pics making me miss home =/ well i found two pics online of something i saw very often when i was in trinidad and it was quite beautiful



its a beach in moruga not sure which 1 though
Kewl i love it...I don't find the beaches in south appealing thou. i find the water to be a little muddy but i never went all thou only Los Iros and Grandville.

I like this view from the `1700s where the dutch used this satellite in chaguaramas to track down the dutch and russians and to spy on them. this is what has been left of it

lol but thats like right up by you in the macripe road in chaguaramas. I hear it have kool nature trails in that road as well
lol but thats like right up by you in the macripe road in chaguaramas. I hear it have kool nature trails in that road as well

yep...its the Tucker Valley road....I've been there.......a couple yrs ago, the astronomical society had a star gazing party there.......they basically set up some telescopes around the was nice.....ppl came and camped out for the nite......we came with food......drink.......I brought my guitar....had a wonderful part was seein the moon tru the telescope...... beautiful......its so dark up there, you can see all the stars.........
Lady_Death_Demon said:
Kewl i love it...I don't find the beaches in south appealing thou. i find the water to be a little muddy but i never went all thou only Los Iros and Grandville.

I like this view from the `1700s where the dutch used this satellite in chaguaramas to track down the dutch and russians and to spy on them. this is what has been left of it

Hey I absolutely love this pic. good find!
You know its really interesting to c the rich history we have and now its dying so slowly. You know the chaguaramas development authority trying to restore some to how it was i hope it could work
I Love Up There In The Macripe Road especially through Mango Valley. Between in the bushes you can actually see the real bunks hidden when they used to ambush enemies during world war it so koool!
If u go in the museum in POS you will find the rich history there all you need to know about. i wanted to go one of these days before school open back but i have no transport