Lovers on facebook

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Jun 16, 2008
A 12 year old girl meet this 18 years old guy on facebook and they become friends....However the girl lied about her age and told him she was 18 years.... But the girl looks mature enough to be eighteen according to the pics she posted online...(By the way this is T&T news....) Well the couple exchanged numbers, eventually they meet a couple of times, had sex too but the guy still diidn't know she was 12 years old.. She became pregnant and her parents made a report to the station and they arrested the guy... But the guy defended himself by showing the police the history of the conversation they had on facebook and the lie she told him being 18 years years... On the same day , the girl ran away from home... :eek:mg:
At least this guys had proof of her age.. in the states a man had to do jail time cuz of this same thing.. AND THE PARENTS KNEW what the girl was doing.. the man get framed. Look like this girl comfortable getting the man in trouble but she dont like it when she in the got seat.. Its a shame.. I hope not all lil girls like that.. it have some real evil lil girls around.. that sad. I vex.
Sorry to say, but he's an ass. this day and age man still fallin for dem kinda crap? These days girls blossom and look much older than they are, so if he had sense he would've found that out before getting down to s-e-x. To dam vicey... Another reason why we as men would always end up in shit like that. Only tinkin bout the s-e-x. Get time to know who yuh gettin in bed with dammit! steups.
Yeah i forgot.. IT'S HIS OWN DAM FAULT.. well both of them.. Wispa is spot on there.. people too dam tustee.. who in there right mind just walkin around having sex dry so.. Now i thinkin he should get some.. day.. on months with some hard back man. Let him get his priorities straight.
Omg!!!! U kno my cuz tell me in d middle of d nite he was comin home wit his friends n dey saw a gurl walkin so dey slowed down 2 talk 2 her dey ask how old she was n she say 18, n dey believed her cuz she looked older so dey asked her where she was goin n she say she runnin away (dis was round 2 in d mornin he said) so den dey asked if she wanted a ride n she say yea (she had guts 2 go in a car so late in d nite wit 3 men) so later on while talkin she slip up n say shes 12 n my cuz n d nex fella drop out 1 time by dey nx fren 2 wait till d driver come baq 4 dem, he decide 2 drop d girl siparia which wasnt far frm where dey was but d fella take nearly an hour n wen he came baq dey started questionin him, he say dat he wanted 2 "talk" 2 she but my cuz say he was lookin lil sweaty n tired, soo he was sayin how he ask she if she really wanted 2 run away (apparently she did if she was dat risky) n he ask where she goin she said 2 her bf house, 2 me dat convo was 2 short 4 him 2 take dat long so i wont doubt if he did it wit her, bein dat hes almost 30 sumtin n married, but idk if its d same case or not but these youngins seem 2 b very naived these days im stunned wow!!! What's to become of them?
childred these days. That is why facebook is bad. Government need to protect the children of the Nation. But i will not blame the government for this one. i think the parents should have known something. Cause who the right mind go let there 12 year old daughter go out by she self in these days. Anyways the man had to be desperate to. Cause he didnt find it fishy that she giving sex so easy. Idiot. He should be ashamed. I think he will get some jail or some licks. Man need to be careful and parents need to monitor there young children in this day and age. Especially children using facebook.
How the hell would you not know a 12 year old or a young girl for that matter, wtf he did not see the girl not even develop as yet?. That's the worst excuse anyone could give, thats the thing these days you know everyone just want to jump into sex just so with out even knowing the people they are doing it with
They had to be desperate and this shows that they did not take the time to know eachother well and to study about these things and to ask eachother about their personal me this was puppy love and the desperaton to feel what sex is like for the first time..
dread....i cud understand if he get fool at first but....after a couple conversations you should recognize that sumthign wrong....
Sometimes you can't tell what age an individual is.... There are alot of young teenagers that look and sounds like eighteen and twenty year old.... But the real problem hear is meeting someone u don't know, only on face book, for the first time.... U hear alot of things with pepole and the internet but yet some jus don't learn...
lol...i meet a couple ppl i kno from facebook...but by accident only bouncing dem up in d mall.
I never saw nor meet anyone from facebook besides the family..... i only add people i know....
People got to be careful who they choose as friends....Internet and in real life too
admin said:
How the hell would you not know a 12 year old or a young girl for that matter, wtf he did not see the girl not even develop as yet?. That's the worst excuse anyone could give, thats the thing these days you know everyone just want to jump into s-e-x just so with out even knowing the people they are doing it with

actually not really, i was "developed" at the age of 12, meaning my boobies were hugeee people always thought i was around the age i am now [16] and plus the way i talked sure didn't make me seem like a 12 year old.
why would you even want to meet anyone off of facebook anyway?? wow the only people i see off of fb is my family n my cousin's friends who add me. But she had to be acting really mature then for a freaking 18 year old man not to realize that she's a child! unless he's childish himself anyway they're both to blame, she shouldn't be on fb in the in 1st place and then lying while trying to be serious with someone you don't know and him for being naive enough not to find out what school she goes to or anything like that and just proceed to have s3x with her.
I took this article from the Guardian and all that i wrote above was all the information i got.... Sloppy work for an editor i guess..... Did not even state where they were located, names nothing....except degrading the site FB
Another perosn got caught up with the internet and meet a guy and was later found dead in Trinidad...

She was 41 years old and she meet a guy on the site They communicate via the internet a long time...Not too such how long....Don't know if they ever meet before...But according to the reports, it was her first time meeting him.... It was the guy birthday and she had a cake , present, drinks in her car...They meet and headed to the beach... According to the guy, the woman wamted her slippers and he went for it...But when he return, she was gone..... Her body was found the next day....Don't know if his story is right but thats as far as the reports goes...